12. Another experiment...

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Some time passed and the side effects of the freezing had worn off. You no longer felt sick and your head had stopped spinning.  You had spent the entire time while recovering trying to piece everything together. It was so frustrating knowing that the Sergeant seemed to be a part of your life more than he is now but not being able to remember a single thing about him or who you where to each other. For a moment you saw a side of him that you had never seen before and I don't think he had seen himself. He cared for a moment, for just a moment he wanted to know who I was, who he was... who we where. 

Soon enough your recovery time was over and a couple of HYDRA agents entered your chambers demand you to go to the medical ward... and of course, you complied. 

Now the side effects had worn off you where more aware of your surroundings and where able to see clearer how different the Washington base was. The lights where brighter, in the Russia base they  would flicker on and off but these ones stay lit all the time. Making your way into the medical room you instantly notice all the developed medical equipment. It all was so new...more advanced. 

In this room you found a scientist sat at a desk. You stood at the entrance of the room for some time waiting for him to notice you and he only did once he turned round to go grab something from the other side of the room.

"Agent (Y/s/n) so glad to see you up and awake. I am sure the Winter Soldier has told you how long you have been frozen for. 65 years is along time and sure enough all the members of HYDRA you once knew are gone" he stated.

This meant that all the people you hated the most where dead. You wouldn't admit it but it brought you just a small bit of joy to know Doctor Zola was dead and the rest of the disgusting men that ruined your life though it didn't mean this nightmare was over.

"You're probably confused why you where in there for so long" he continued "well, once HYDRA knew that cryogenic freezing worked they had no need of you. Over time they realised that the Winter Soldier was all they needed so they kept you in there".

"Why didn't they just kill me? If they didn't need or want me" you ask before he could get another word in.

He looks up at you in shock "you're not like the Winter Soldier are you? He doesn't speak unless spoken to. I guess that's what being the first test subject does to you, makes you less compliant. It already answers the question as to why it was you they didn't want to pull out of the freezing. Not to worry, our technology has advanced and I can fix that no problem"

He was worse than Doctor Zola. At least he was excited about the work he was doing, this guy just seems to be big headed but it's not like you liked either of them anyway. They where evil in their own ways. You tilt your head at him and smirk "that didn't answer my question" you reply.

"Though I see your desperate want to die, it's not something I'm going to offer. The reason they didn't kill you was because you where the perfect hamster. They knew you weren't loyal to HYDRA, not fully anyway so they knew that keeping you on mission was a risk until they could fix you and they didn't care to do such a thing at that time. Instead they kept you alive because they knew one day there would be en experiment they wanted to try and you would be the perfect person to try it on. You where already the first test of the super soldier serum so realistically there is something poetic about it".

You raise your eyebrows trying to take in everything that he just said "So I've been woken up for a revolutionary experiment that I'm supposed to perceive as poetic?"

"Correct" he answered "now if you don't mind, I am anxious to get started. Times have changed. We live in a world now where superhero's rule. It soon became obvious that HYDRA needed a superhero of it's own. A super soldier can only get you so far against a Hulk or even aliens if it comes to it"

Did he just say alien's you thought to yourself, and what the hell is a Hulk?

"All of this will be very confusing at first but we need our own superhero to enable Hydra's world domination. We wanted the Winter Soldier to undergo the procedure but we also didn't want to loose him. He's an asset to our rise to power so we pulled you out of freezing. You will be our first experiment and once we know the process works we will administer it to the Winter Soldier. I believe this is a process you know oh to well. This might kill you, it might not. That's why we're using you and not him". The man then grabbed a vile of some sort and prepared it by putting the liquid into a syringe. 

He turns on some sort of recording and speaks into it.

"I am with Agent (Y/n) who will be the first subject for project revolution. She will be injected with 0.25 ml of serum sample number 5 and immediately put into the electric chamber where we will hit her with 500 volts of electricity". As he says this you look to the back of the room where you see an enclosed room filled with loose wires and single chair. 

"500 volts!" you exclaim "that will kill me".

"Not if it works" he replies while wearing an infuriating grin.

Before you could say anything else the man had injected you with what ever was in the syringe and two guards came up behind you and forced you into the room. They what seemed like triple locked the door and used some form of technology to bolt it shut. At this point you where terrified. 500 volts of electricity was sure to kill you and there was no way out of this. 

As you stood in the room waiting for the electricity to hit you, you made a promise. You promised yourself that if in some way you manage to walk out of this, you would break free. Hydra had taken so much from you already and it was time that you got away from them. This was an organisation that had no right being in power and you definitely didn't want to help them on the road to it. You knew you would have to make a break for it and fast. This new doctor said he was going to fix you meaning he was going to mess your brain up even more so you had to get out while you still had your mind. But this was it. This was the breaking point. It was decided. If you got out of this, you where prepared to fight your way out.

Lost in your lust for wanting to escape Hydra's clutches, you almost forget what's about to happen.

"Initiating electric volts in 3...2...1" the doctor states into the recording as the whole system powers up and you are hit with a burning painful sensation. Nothing you had ever felt before.

The pain was intoxicating spiking through you and ripping through every cell in your body. You scream in pain with the electricity hurdling through you. Every second with the electricity flowing through you was like a year to you. All sense of time and awareness was lost as you endured this ever lasting pain.

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