13. The Plan

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"Subject is conscious exactly 3 minutes and 23 seconds after experiment number 1 was carried out. Current hear rate at 80 beats per minute above expected average. No signs of enhanced ability usage as of yet. Success of the experiment is yet to be determined"

You slowly wake up to the sound of the doctor speaking into his recording again. With your heart pounding in your chest, you felt different. It was like your insides where vibrating, full of electricity. All you could remember before loosing consciousness was the blistering pain you where in but you where still alive. Somehow, after having 500 volts of electricity ran through you, you where still alive and with that thought you remember the promise you made to yourself.

It was a miracle you where alive, a miracle you weren't going to waste.

This new doctor spent the whole day running tests and further experiments on you but no matter how hard he tried you where unable to use any of the so called Powers that the experiment was supposed to give you but soon enough the doctor gave up.

"With further examination it seems the experiment was unsuccessful. Other than the apparent survival after enduring 500 volts of electricity, there is no sign of further enhanced abilities. We will resume tomorrow by injecting the subject with 0.5 ml of serum number 9 and increasing the voltage up to 700 volts" he stated into his recording.

"You are dismissed" he says while turning to you "I will be watching you on your room security camera to document any and all unusual activity. We will resume testing tomorrow at o'ten hundred. Do not be late".

You left without saying a word. Your body was still numb and weak which made it difficult to walk properly but you pushed through. Plus, you needed to come up with a way out of this hell hole and FAST. Without them having to tell you, you know Hydra would continue all the tests and experiments over and over again until they either succeed in what they're trying to do or you wound end up dead. At this point you didn't quite mind the thought of dying. Death no longer scared you because now anything is better than having to endure more of the pain Hydra wanted to inflict on you.

As you are walking back to your room thousands of idea's come up in your mind of how you where going to break out. You could just punch your way out but you knew if you where every going to truly get away from them you had to be smart. Punching your way out would just make them even more angry and more likely to continue looking for you after you had left in order to kill you. You needed to come up with a plan where they don't notice you're gone until you where a good distance away from them or in a safe place. Still scheming your plan you walk past the briefing room which is on the way to your room. You over hear a conversation and your ears prick up when you hear "you will lead a group for tomorrows mission leaving at o'eight hundred".

Suddenly you stop and lean up against the wall next to the entrance of the room. "Take out the target and you will not return until the mission is complete. Use all means of force necessary". The man speaking continues. Slowly and cautiously you pear around the entrance of the door to see who was in the room. It was a man with dirty blonde hair, he looked about in his 50's wearing a suit and tie. He was stood next to the Sergeant which is who he was barking his orders at.

"3 cars will be used to surround and block the target. Their instructions are clear and they know what they're doing. Their aim is to take out the target but Nick Fury has a tendency to get out of dangerous situations. That is why you will come in after and finish him off and" he slaps his hand down on the table in front of them before pointing his finger in the Sergeants face "you make sure he is dead, you hear me?"

The Sergeant doesn't say anything, he only nods his head.

You knew now, 3 cars where supposed to be leaving this building at o'eight hundred. That means for a few minutes the front barriers will be down in order to let them out. That could be the perfect moment to make your way out of the facility.

You turn your back from the entrance of the door and continue on to your room.  Now you had all the information you needed to get out-

"Where you listening" a deep voice says from behind you.

You turn around to find the Sergeant standing behind you. Both of you hadn't spoken to each other since he told you that you where in possession of a photo of you two together. More now than ever you didn't want to initiate a conversation with him. Although he said he doesn't care that both of you knew each other in your old life but in reality, deep down that is, you feel like he would be the only thing that would make you stay and not try to leave. So far he has been the only thing that seems to connect to your old life and by breaking out you would be leaving that behind.

"No, I was on my way back from the medical bay" you reply.

"What did they do to you" he asked. It was weird, he almost sounded like her cared. Usually he wouldn't ask about what Hydra did to both of us. When ever either of us came back from the medical bay we knew something painful had happened. "I heard your screams from the other side of the facility" he continued "I hated it, hearing you like that".

Your eyes widened. He heard all of it and you where right, he definitely did care but him showing some sort of emotion was too late. You owed him nothing. All you wanted was to get out of this place and beginning an emotional attachment with the Sergeant wasn't going to help.

"Don't worry" you begin to answer "what ever they do to me they will do to you all in good time, just like always I'm the Guinea pig . As soon as they figure out what they want on me you will be top of the list to go next". As soon as you finish speaking you turn around and walk off back to your room. He shouldn't mean anything to you but you felt bad saying that. Both of you had been through the same thing. He was the only one that could relate to you and you where leaving him behind. 

You couldn't help but feel completely guilty. You where going to try and get out for yourself. Staying with Hydra was going to be the death of you but now he is about to loose the only person that understood him. His old partner. You really wish you could have done more to help him but you couldn't. Leaving will the the best thing for you and the only thing that will ever allow you peace.

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