15. Caught at a crime scene

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You had been walking for miles. To make sure that you didn't miss anything you had tapped into the radio signal. So far no one had engaged Nick Fury which meant that you had more time to catch up to everyone. Luckily for you the Hydra base was already in Washington so since this mission was taking place in Washington, you didn't have to walk thousands of miles. 9:48am read you wrist watch. Soon Hydra would notice you're missing since you're supposed to be in the medical room a 10am on the dot. You had however made travelled a long distance away from the base and the whole route had been through forests and grassland so there wouldn't be any cctv footage that Hydra could use to track you down.

There wasn't much forest or grassland left to go which mean you would be heading into the city full of camera's and live footage, this meant you had to stay in door. Stick to back alleys and if that's not possible mix in with large groups of people.

It was a good job that Hydra de-briefed you on most things that have changed or else you would be going into this new world blind. It did make your job much more harder though. There where so many new ways that Hydra could find you which is why you thought the best place for you to be is under lock and key at Shield.

9:57am you watch read. Your time to escape without being detected was coming to a close. You can't ever stop moving from now until Shield have a hold of you and even then after they let you go you will have to keep running. It sounded difficult, to spend your life running but it was either running forever or being tortured forever.

10:01am. This was it. Someone was probably heading to your room now to see where you are. Being late is never something that is tolerated with Hydra so being even one minute late would set them off.

"Winter Soldier, keep an eye out for Agent Y/n. She is no longer at base. An evaluation at base leads us to believe she left when you did this morning" the radio signal beeped.

"Copy that" the Sergeant replied down the radio with the static sound following close behind.

The time was now 10:10am and you can just imagine how high alert the base is at the moment. What was even worse was that you where out of the woods now and into the city. It would make it much harder to stay MIA. It also didn't help not knowing where you where. This world was all new to you, all new buildings, streets, cars, phones. It was a lot to take on board and you where trying to navigate it all on your own.

After slowly following behind the Winter soldier and the rest of the squad for a couple more hours they finally stopped. Something was happening. They hadn't stopped for this long until now.

"Target in sight engage on my order" the radio spat out.

They where engaging him. You had to be cautious however. You had to make sure you weren't spotted by anyone other than Shield so you had to make sure you caught the fight after Fury had been pronounced dead by the Winter soldier and the rest of the squad had fallen back to base.

"All units engage" the man on the radio spoke again.

"Target is surrounded. All fire power on the car. Don't let him leave" he continued "get the door open".

It was a few minutes before anyone said anything else. You where about 30 minutes walk away from where the fight was going on which gave you enough time to keep your distance but ensure you where caught at the scene.

"Target is on the move. We are in pursuit. Winter Soldier engage" the man ordered.

It was a long while until anything else was said. It was obvious the Sergeant was taking care of things. You needed to make sure you where listening in at all times. As soon as there is confirmation Fury is dead Hydra will move out which will be the prime time to get caught near him.

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