26. First class

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No matter how hard you protested, Tony still insisted in buying first class tickets instead of economy. He even wanted to send a whole damn private jet but at that point he was pushing it so instead you met in the middle with first class. You would have been completely happy with economy but apparently getting through Tony's billionaire mindset is much more difficult than it seems. However, deep down you were slightly happy to get away from the screaming children and having to interact with other people. Bucky was the main one to hide away from the world but at some moments you still find it hard yourself to put on a smile and be kind.

The flight from Russia to New York was roughly 10 hours which was where Steve was staying at the moment while dealing with all the missions he was going on with the Avengers. The flight left you with enough time to rest and watch a couple films but you were still eager for the flight to be over so you could text Bucky and see how he was as soon as you land. Before you left you bought him a phone. It didn't do much just calls and texts but that's all he really needed just so you could stay in contact while you were away.

As you pull your sleeves over your hands to warm you up from the freezing cold aeroplane air the pilot began to speak over the speakers.

"Cabin Crew prepare for landing" he said which meant any minute now you would be landing and thank god for that. 10 hours felt like 10 days up in the air.

Although you were a bit worried about leaving Bucky for so long you had to admit to yourself that the closer you got the more excited you were to see Steve. The last time you saw him was 5 months ago which was the last time you were also in Washington. He was very hesitant about you moving out to Bucharest so quickly after everything happened and on your side of things it was very difficult to explain why you wanted to in the first place without letting out that Bucky was there. It wasn't that you didn't want to tell him that he was there but it's what Bucky wanted. It took you a while to get him to trust you and you didn't want to ruin that trust so early on.

As a result of moving Steve insisted that you had to visit him a minimum of 3 times a year. You agreed but before you figured out how much flights costed. Over time you had to tell Steve you couldn't afford to fly out anymore so Tony offered. You two started off on the wrong foot but over the couple months you still spent in America you would go and visit him and over time became better friends.

Finally, the flight had landed into JFK airport. The plan was for Steve to pick you up but you found out as soon as you landed and got service again that he was called into work and had scheduled for someone else to pick you up.

Another plus from the first class tickets was that getting your bags and exiting the plane was much easier. You wouldn't admit it to Tony since you fought him over it for a while but you definitely preferred first class. As you made your way through the airport through things like security checks you finally made your way to the baggage carousel. It was only one extra bag that you were waiting for but you knew what these things were like. You could be waiting 1 minute or half an hour for the same amount of bags, it was just pure luck.

After about 20 minutes your feet were getting tired along with yourself as you didn't sleep the best on the plane. Soon enough to your relief your dark blue bag came rolling around the carousel. All you wanted to do was get to the Stark Tower and get some rest. After grabbing your bag you head outside expecting a standard transfer service waiting for you so you began scanning the drivers cards looking for your name.

"Y/n" you heard a man shouting ahead of you but you know that voice anywhere.

"Happy" you said excitedly before heading towards him and his car and giving him a hug.

"It was supposed to be my day off until I got a call from Steve. I don't even work for him" he said unamusingly as you laughed.

"Oh come on Happy, a day picking me up is better than any day off" you said jokingly.

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