11. Your past and future life.

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Your vision is blurry, you don't understand what's going on. Two men are dragging you by your arms. Even if you tried you where too week to walk yourself. For a moment you don't even remember who or where you are.

You're thrown into a chair where you are strapped down. You're beginning to remember everything. The last thing you remember was you being frozen by Doctor Zola while the Sergeant watched from afar. You look around while your vision starts to become more frozen. From where you where sat you knew you where about to have your brain fried by HYDRA and they did exactly that before throwing you back into your chamber.

You felt sick, light headed and disorientated. God knows how long you where in there for. Something tells you a substantial amount of time, you begin to fear you had been frozen for years. Sweat was dripping off you and your whole body was shaking.

You didn't know what to do next until a large figure shows up at your door... It was the Sergeant. You tried your best to form a sentence together but it was difficult.

"The feeling passes, you feel sick and disorientated for about an hour but it gets better" he begins in his deep voice "though you where in there for a long time. I only go in for about a couple years at a time" he continues.

He's talking as if going in there is a regular thing, how long have they been doing this to him? As he talks the more years you fear you've been frozen for. You had to know how long so you tried your hardest to speak.

"How long?" was all you managed to say in a croaky voice. He new what you where asking and his eyes showed sadness as soon as he did.

"65 years" he states reprehensively "its 2014".

You stopped shaking for just a second trying to process what he just told you. More of your life had been spent frozen in time than anything else. Being the second choice it was hardly shocking that they never pulled you out but trying to process such a large amount of time was difficult.

"Why now?" you ask. It did make you wonder why they even pulled you out at all.

"I don't know" he answered.

He didn't know what else to say. He could remember the day he watched you freeze as if it was yesterday. On that day he lost the only person he trusted in the facility. Someone who understood all the pain he went through. He lost it all for 65 years. To him he never could understand why HYDRA would continuously put him under and pull him back out. Every time they pulled him out he secretly hoped that they brought you out with him. That was before they put his brain back in the blender but even after that he still lost his working partner. He felt guilty that they would let him out and not her so telling her how much time she had spent frozen was hard for him.

There was a silence, neither you or him knew what to say. It all happened so fast, one minute you where in 1945 and the next you where in 2014.

"Everything looks so new" you say, it was the first though that came to your mind and the only thing to break the silence.

"Technology has a come a long way, not to mention we aren't in Russia anymore. We relocated to Washington DC... temporarily that is. You're lucky they even brought you with us. While you where out they created a whole army under the Winter Soldier programme, now they're all just under ice in the Russian base" Sergeant replies.

"There's more of us?" you exclaimed.

"Not quite, they went through the whole process and lived after taking the serum but they didn't fall in line for long" he replied.

"Seems you where just about the only super soldier they got right in the mind control department" you reply as you look up to his eyes which where filled with sadness. Before you could say anything else he holds out his hand which hold a necklace.

"I found this in your old chambers. They where clearing out your room and I found it before they did" he stated.

It was that locket of yours. The one that you never managed to throw away.

"Who is he to you?" He continued.

"I'm sorry?" you ask still a bit disorientated.

"The man in the photo inside it. Who is he to you?" he replied again a little more aggressively.

"I don't know believe it or not. I was never a loyal HYDRA agent but it didn't stop them from taking away my memories. I don't know who he is" you bounce back at him "why do you even care? You going to report it? Why does it even matter he's probably dead now anyway who ever it is" you take a deep breath in, in realisation that though you don't remember that man, he was probably gone forever by now. You look up at the sergeant who's staring at you. His eyes piercing yours. He looked so angry, sad and confused at the same time. It was weird you had never seen him like that.

"I care-" he pauses and sighs "I care because-because its me" he states as he takes his mask off for the first time in-front of you while you just watch in disbelief. He looks to the floor then back up at you to see your reaction.

You just sit there, struggling to say anything. This man that's cradling you in his arms in the photo is stood in front of you and you can't remember a thing, you can't remember him.

"What the hell is going on" you cup your face in your hands. Not only do you have the deal with the shock of finding out that the man that would help you sleep through a photo was there the whole time but your where still disorientated and hurting for the freezing.

"But that's you and me in a photo...together. I'm sorry but I don't remember you" you say panicked.

He noticed you where getting overwhelmed which he responded to by giving you back your necklace by placing it in your hand.

"I didn't mean to overwhelm you. Neither of us remember each other, I don't even remember my own name. I apologise i over stepped the mark, it doesn't matter what we once might've been to each other, we have a job to do now. This type of curiosity is against my training" the last things he said before he left the room.

Everything was a massive blur. You where trying to comprehend what had just happened but your body was also trying to control its shaking. It was difficult, you couldn't understand why this was such a big deal to you when you can't even remember him. As far as you where aware he was just a guy in a photo with you.

He coughed and let out a sigh "I guess so. I'll leave you to recover, I'll let you know if I hear anything but you know how they are with information on a need to know basis. Some things still haven't changed" he exited the room and you where left alone.


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