18. Confrontation

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You use all your strength to follow after the Sergeant or what you had just learnt was Bucky. Steve recognised him as Bucky aka the person that you where supposed to be in love with. Steve told you he was dead. Everything was so confusing, he has assured you he was dead and in the past few seconds you had just learnt that the person you where apparently planning to spend the rest of your life with was your trainer and partner while under the control of Hydra.

You see him in sight as you follow him down an alley way at the side of a building. In order to get him to stop and get his attention you pull a knife from your waist band and throw it at him aiming for the side of his head.

In one swift move hun turns to his side and caught the knife. While he paused to catch the knife you charge towards him and used all your force to kick him in the stomach which knocks him to the ground.

All you wanted to do was talk. Figure out what was going on. You climb on top of him to hold him down.

"It's time to tell me the truth Sergeant or should I say Bucky" you blurt out "who the hell are you".

"I shouldn't have to answer to you" he replies as he suddenly places his legs between yours to flip you over. Now he was on top of you.

"TRAITOR" he shouted before he pulled a gun off his belt and held it to your head.

You both sat there for a second. In reality you didn't care if he killed you. Life was hell for you and everything was to out of place for you that your felt like your life ended years ago.

"Do it" you spoke out after a few seconds. You allow a single tear fall from your eye slowly moving down your defined cheek. "I don't want to be alive, I'm scared and I'm alone and Hydra is to blame for that. So if you're going to kill me for leaving the very people ruining my life then do it because I can't live my life like this. Running and hiding. Looking over my shoulder all the time because let me ask you this, could you do it?" Time froze as you both sat staring into each other's eyes.

Pain, sadness and guilt where all built up in his eyes. His eyes where old, full of secrets and memories with most of those memories bad ones. His hurt pained you but you knew he was far more deeper in than you ever where. He would never be able to get out like you did.

You take your hands and grab the gun for him while he still kept a grip on the trigger.

"Do it, please" you beg him.

In one brief second he prepares to pull the trigger before he relaxes and puts the gun down. You take a large breath of both relief and sadness. Part of you wanted everything to end but another part of you was happy he didn't do it just as you where on the verge to figuring everything out.

"Go" he says sadly before getting up and running around a corner.

You knew you could follow him but what would be the use plus you needed to help Steve and Natasha.

Although you didn't get much out of him in terms of conversation there was one thing that you saw. You where able to see that he cared just a little bit. He was trained to always pull the trigger and this one time he couldn't bring himself to do it.

As you get up from the ground you take one last look at the corner he turned around and headed back to your motorcycle.

The tracker you placed on the Shield car will lead you to where Steve and Natasha where to help them get out before Hydra kills them.

Following the tracker you soon catch up to a group of black cars. With Hydra they always trained you to be as silent as possible on missions and this is when it would count. You couldn't alert the drivers of the cars that you had boarded so you had to be completely quiet.

As you reach the right distance you jump from the motorcycle and grab into the top of the car making sure to not put your whole body wait on it to make as little noise as possible.

Next you take a mini blow torch from your belt and begin to fire a hole into the top of the car. As you jump down into the car you find Steve Natasha and some other guy. Suddenly you notice there are two guards sitting infront of them and as you are about to take them out one of the other guards does it for you.

As they take their helmet off they revealed themselves to be Maria, the women that locked you up.

"Urghh that thing was squishing my head" she states "Y/n how the hell did you get out of your cell" she questioned.

"Seems your fall proof lock doors like to have a few malfunctions here and there" you replied back. In realty you didn't actually know what happened but it seemed like the most logical explanation.

"Wait a cell" Steve butted in "I asked you to watch over her not lock her up".

With that you look back to Maria raising your eyebrows.

"Yeah Maria what happened to that?" You state sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes "I didn't trust her plus with you and Nat MIA I had to focus on finding you guys and making sure you where safe, you're welcome by the way".

"Look can we talk about this later. We need to get Nat to a hospital or else she will bleed out" the other man in the car stated.

"I've got somewhere" Maria stated.

With that she began to cut through the floor and one by one everyone got off the car through the hole.

You and everyone else walked for a little bit. Steve and that new guy Sam helped Natasha to walk where they could but she was struggling immensely. Soon you all reach a point where a getaway car was located.

As you anticipated Maria took you and everyone else back to the base that you where in earlier.

"Let me take her" a doctor shouted as the relief set in that everyone had managed to get back in time to help treat Natasha's wounds.

"She will want to see him first" Maria stated.

"Not you" Maria said turning to you. What ever it was she still didn't trust you. It was fair you guessed but it was rather frustrating you where still surrounded by lies and misconceptions.

"It's fine I'll just find my way back to my cell, something that I'm very used to with Hydra" you gave out a sarcastic smile and walked off to find a secluded room in the base where you sat on your own for a while thinking about your confrontation with Bucky. Realistically you really needed to speak to Steve. So much had happened in the last couple of hours that it was almost blowing your mind but it was understandable that he was so pre occupied. You just wished everything wasn't so complicated at the moment.

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