14. Escape

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The time read 7:30am on your wrist watch. 30 minutes before the cars where scheduled to leave the building. It was important you where dressed to fight. This was incredibly dangerous what you where doing. It can either allow you to get out and be free or they catch you trying to escape and either kill you or never let you out their sight again until they finished their experiments.

Last night you had planned entirely what you where going to do. You knew that the safest place to be locked up. It sounded insane but you had heard of SHIELD after Hydra de-brief you after coming out of freezing. If you some how managed to be detained by Shield than you would be in one of the safest location for a short while. The way you where going to do this was by following the Sergeant. Within your suit you would wear for missions, there was a tracker put inside. You knew how to disarm it from doing it multiple times on missions in the past when you would have moments where your mind was your own 65 years ago. That's if the technology was similar...

The best thing about it however was that you could track the Sergeant who's job it is is to finish off Nick Fury who is the head of Shield. By killing the head of Shield it would be likely that a whole swarm of Shield agents would follow close behind. All you needed to do was to be found close to the crime scene where Nick Fury dies. You will be detained for a while in the safest facility in Washington until they prove your innocence and you're free to go.

It was the perfect plan...that's if you can get out to start off with.

You silently make your way to the weapons room and take your suit back to your room. It wasn't worth the risk suiting up in there because the Sergeant could come in at any minute since he would also be preparing to leave. The doctor wasn't expecting you until 10am so you would have 2 hours after getting out before Hydra would notice you where missing.

After suiting up in your room you put your hair up into a slick back pony tail and double check your guns are fully loaded in case you come face to face with some unwanted company. Although you hadn't had any training with all these new weapons, you knew that if when you pulled the trigger and the gun shoots the same then you would be fine.

7:55am you wrist watch read. It was time to head to the entrance. There was only one way in and one way out of the base which was why this all had to be timed so perfectly.

Sneaking up into the garage which was where all the cars where leaving to head through the front gate you see that a truck was also leaving at the same time. Although it wasn't mentioned in the Sergeants briefing last night it wasn't an issue. It probably made it more easier for you to get out undetected. At the bottom of the truck there was a bar. You knew that you could pull yourself up and lay flat underneath the truck at least until they had been cleared through the gates. After that all you needed to do was let go and roll out from underneath hopefully without getting driven over.

It was important that you waited until the last second to get on the back of the truck. It would be approximately 3 minutes until you would be clear to get off it again. This meant that you would need to use all your arm and upper body strength for an extended period of time. The super-soldier gave you good strength abilities but even that was difficult especially since you hadn't been fighting or training for 65 years. Your body was a bit rusty.

Hiding behind a row of boxes you hear someone shout "clear to leave" and as they did the trucks engine began to rattle. This was it.

You come out behind the boxes and run to grab onto the bottom railing and pull yourself up and until you where flat against the floor of the truck. It began moving and you grasp onto the bottom bar tightened.

With the shouts of the men guarding the facility getting loud you knew that the truck was coming up to the main gate. This was the first time you have ever left the facility conscious for 65 years and you where doing to holding onto the bottom of a truck.

Your arms where beginning to shake and your stomach was beginning to give in. It had been much longer than you anticipated and the truck wasn't even through the gates yet. Everything was moving so slowly or so it felt like it.

The truck was edging it's way up to the gate until one of the men shouted "STOP the truck".

Your heart rate spiked. At this moment you thought you had been caught. You tried to think of all the possible moments that you might have been spotted.

Loud boot marks walking on the concrete where getting louder. Someone was walking towards the truck. This was it. You prepared yourself to begin fighting. Looking around to watch what was going to happen next the boots stopped walking and stood at the end of the truck doors. You saw them. They where the Sergeants. He opened up the truck back doors and got inside.

You took a breath of relief. The Sergeant was getting in the truck which kind of made everything worse. When getting off the truck you now had to make sure you made no sound out of the norm. Both of you had been trained to pick up unusual sounds and the super-soldier serum heightened your sound so any loud bangs against the truck would make him suspicious.

Now knowing you where in the clear again you begin to worry about the truck moving again. You had been clinging onto the bottom of this truck for 5 minutes now and your grip was getting more and more loose. It needed to continue moving fast or else you where going to out yourself.

Soon enough a man shouted "all clear" and hit the back of the truck twice as it begin to move again. Through planning everything out you knew you had to wait at least 48 seconds before getting off the truck to allow it to pass all the inside censors. You begin counting to yourself.


These seconds felt like days and at this point you where holding onto the truck with your finger tips. If you got off too early it would trip the perimeter censors which will most likely end up with you being caught by the facility guards.


Your whole body was shaking just trying to pull your last bits of strength to hold on. Freedom was nearly yours, you just had to push yourself to tighten your grip.


so close. Tears where streaming down your face. This pain was nothing you had experienced from Hydra but you knew if you caved in you would experience so much more. The pain Hydra put you under prepared you for this. It made other forms of pain more easy to push through.


As soon as you counted to one you let go of the railing and dropped to the floor as the rest of the truck drove over the top of you with the wheels on either side driving past you. Quickly you get back up and run into the forest grass land opposite the road and run forwards away from the facility perimeter.

You had done it. You had made it out.

All that was left was to track the Sergeant.

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