9. Breaking in

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*alarms going off round every corner*
"Well that didn't take long" you say to Sergeant through your unbreathable mask. "Keep moving" he replies "the safe if round this corner". As he says that, dozens of Russian soldiers come charging around the corner all taking their chance to take a shot at both you and the Sergeant.

You remember everything from training ploughing through each man as if they where paper. Finally you both reach the safe door "watch my six " he orders. You nod as you turn your back to him while reloading your gun. Without missing you take out each and every soldier in front of you with one shot until the corridor was piled up with bodies. Just as you begin to think it's clear another group of soldiers come running around the corner. You look down at you gun and check the ammo.

"I'm out" you shout to the Sergeant over the screeching alarms. "Get back" he shouts in response as he detonates a bomb he attached to the lock of the safe. You get as far as possible but it didn't stop you from feeling the impact of the bomb and getting pushed to the ground. With your ears ringing you begin to look around. All the soldiers where killed from the impact. Had HYDRA not given you whatever it is they gave you, you would be as well. Looking over at the entrance of the safe you see the Sargent emerging from the rubble and smoke as he puts an object into his pocket. Moving to stand over the top of you he puts out his metal hand for you to grab "let's go" he shouts dominantly. As you reach to grab his hand you feel a sharp pain at the lower part of your stomach. You grab your stomach in an attempt to cover the wound but it was no use, you where loosing blood fast and consciousness with it. The last thing you see is the Sergeant kneeling down to you before everything goes black.

*beep beep beep*

You woke up to the sound of a heart monitor. As you open your eyes, you instantly knew where you where. Back to the room where this all started. The white room where they carried out their tests on you. As you look down at your wound you find it all covered up by a large bandage. "Ah Agent (Y/s/n) you're awake" says Doctor Zola from the corner of the room. "A deep wound it was but thanks to our serum we used on you, you will be healed and ready for combat in no time. You did however fail your mission. You where instructed to get the Sargent in and out of the facility but instead he had to personally carry you out himself. This is not the work of a soldier. Mess up again and we will not hesitate to dispose of you, after all you where only a spare test subject".

You lie there as he exits the room. HYDRA is dangerous, they could kill you at any moment. You start to wonder if dying in that facility may have been better than the life you are cursed to live. It was a horrible thing to think about but your life had been filled with so much pain and suffering in the past months alone. Although you couldn't remember what your life was like before HYDRA, you still longed for it back. Nothing could be any worse than this.

You sit up on the operating table and turn your body so your feet where in the floor as you grab the tubes that where inserted into your arm and pull them out. Only slightly flinching you let out a small grunt. The pain of the tubes was nothing compared to the pain of the wound on your stomach.

"Those are meant to help you, taking them out won't be much good" a deep voice stated from the entrance of the room. You didn't even need to look to know it was the Sargent.

You sigh and roll your eyes to look at him. "You know I wouldn't need them if you hadn't blown me up" you reply sarcastically.

"I did come to apologise but with that attitude maybe I won't" he states.

"Wow I can't believe it, you have emotions, as in you felt bad" You laugh "I didn't think you where capable of such things".

"I didn't feel bad, I just - I didn't realise you where so close to the bomb that's all. Maybe you should have moved quicker" he says defensively.

"So you come in here to apologise and I end up getting pointers on how I could do better? You're great at apologies, you should do them more often" you continue to joke. All of a sudden you remember where you are, who you're talking to. This is the first half normal conversation you've had for a long time. You look back down at the floor trying to hide the tears forming in your eyes.

He notices you're upset but he didn't know how to react. The Sergeant was trained to be compliant soldier, not to comfort you or anyone else for that matter. 

"I'm sorry" was the most he was able to form together, he didn't quite know what else to say. He didn't need to say much else however, it was a step further than you had ever been with him before. It meant a lot coming from him. His mind was so messed up by HYDRA and his emotions so dormant that you know it would talk a lot for him to even feel bad in the slightest. Although you had never seen his face and nor will you ever, those two words made him so familiar, like someone you could trust. That was a lot especially when you're living at a place such as this one. 

You look up at his to acknowledge his words and gave him a small smile.

"Don't think this gets you out of training though. That was just the first out of many missions and you still have lots to learn" he states and suddenly you are brought back to reality. It's weird how such a small interaction made you so weak. You where so desperate for something normal that you forgot what you are here for and who you're supposed to pretend to be around all HYDRA members, including the sergeant. The strong, compliant soldier. 

Before you had the time to react he had already left the medical quarters. You decide you should get some more rest if the Sergeant was planning to continue training early tomorrow so you head back to your chambers and fall asleep while holding close your locket that held so many memories that pains you to be able to remember. 

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