6. Your new life

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You wake up back in your chambers to the sound of a male screaming in pain. Everything felt different. You didn't know if it was a good or bad different because you no longer felt many emotions that's why the screams didn't bother you too much. Sitting up in your bed you search your thoughts for any memories that might be left behind. Nothing. All you could feel now was the importance of the missions that HYDRA set for you. You where loyal and you felt no other purpose in life but to serve them.

Slowly you fall back onto your bed. This room was your new home. Cold brick walls and a springless mattress. As you slip your hand under your pillow you something cold. Like metal. Pulling it out you figure out it's a necklace. You have no idea how it got there or what it was. It didn't seem in anyway familiar. It seemed to be a locket and when you open it you see a picture of yourself and some man you no longer recognise holding hands. It meant nothing to you. You don't even remember who this person is.

The door that held you in your chamber begin to swing open and as you did you hid the necklace back under your pillow. Why did you do that? You thought to yourself as the guards grabbed your arms. That necklace means nothing to you so why do you care about HYDRA finding it...

As you walk down the long corridors to find out what you have been summoned for, you see something odd up ahead. It looked like a man was being dragged by his arms by two men. His dirty boots dragged on the floor as his sweaty body was being carried towards you. Is that.. a metal arm? You wondered who he was as his lifeless body was being dragged past you in what felt like slow motion. From what you could see he was also wearing what could only be described as a muzzle. Soon enough he had been taken around the corner away from sight and you didn't give it a second thought.

Arriving in a room with Doctor Zola you immediately felt compliance. You where ready for whatever he was about to say and you where ready to complete it with full force.

"Ah Agent (y/s/n) glad to see you recovered from our testing. You are ready to become part of the force that will allow HYDRA to bring order back to the world. Obviously since we didn't expect you to survive the experiments you have no training skills or any skills for that matter that will make you a good agent. To fix that you will begin training in a week with an ex-soldier. He has just completed the same experiments that you have undergone so he will be a suitable match for your strengths. For now you will rest and recover before training. You are dismissed".

You nod and head out of the room in the direction of your chambers. It was unusual. Before now you would practically have to be forced back to your chambers but now there is no place that is better for you to be. This is where you belong and you feel no conflict in you to disagree.

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