25. Bucharest

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The kettle finished boiling just as you throw the tea bag into a plain white mug. It was early in the morning around half seven. Sounds of people chatting and wondering the streets slowly began to pick up as another day began. The kettle tab pinged back up as the water was ready adding it to the single tea bag in the mug before adding milk and 2 spoons of sugar. Taking a sip of the tea you look out the window and watch as people began to unload and open up their markets before you heard him wake up and climb out of bed.

"You can wake me you know" he said from behind you.

"Well I don't think it's fair to wake you when I have disgusting early shifts like these" you respond as you turn around to place the cup of tea onto the table next to you. Moving your head up you admire his ripped body walking towards you before you look up to meet his beautiful blue eyes. Wrapping you arms about the back of his neck he pulls you in and holds you as if time was stood still.

"I want to spend every waking moment with you" he says "so please wake me up in the morning".

You giggle "But Buck-"

"No arguments" he smiles.

"Oh, before I forget" you add "Steve's asked me to fly back to Washington next week. I'm not sure what for but when I told him I couldn't afford it he said Tony's overly large funding of money can sort it out so my guess is they're going to try and recruit me for their little dream team again".

"So you're going" Bucky questioned.

"Well I couldn't exactly say no, plus it will be good to see Steve again. It's been like 5 months since I last saw him. Have you thought any more about connecting with him again" you ask sensitively. It was something that you didn't push for at the start considering when you found Bucky he hardly knew who he was himself.

It was a difficult few months between finding him and being at a point where he trusted you. The funny thing was that when he trained you he used all the knowledge he had so finding him wasn't all that difficult. Over many months you two would just talk for hours a day about things you remembered or if either of you had questions that you thought the other could answer. At the very beginning it was you that did most the talking. You tried to avoid talking about Hydra in case it would trigger him so you just shared as many memories as you had due to the fact at that point you had a fair few. It took him longer to open up since he trusted you less and his memories were a lot more blocked off. They still are really so it's still sometimes difficult for him.

Over time you began to stay more often and a year later from Hydra's downfall, you found yourself happily living with Bucky. You bonded over each others pain, loss and grief and found your way back to each other. It was important for both of you that you weren't falling for each other based off a life that was long gone. You both agreed that if you were to get back together it would be because those feelings are there now. It's still not even official. In this moment you were both happy so there was no point in putting pressure on a relationship that's only just testing the waters. Bucharest was like you and Bucky's sanctuary to live in the moment.

"I don't like it when you go" he said.

"Hmm yeah and I don't like it when you stay. There is a world out there with someone who misses you and cares about you a lot... but if you're not ready then I won't push you". All you wanted was him to be happy but you also wanted Steve to be happy as well and you knew that he was still looking for Bucky while you were living a happy life with him and that made you feel a little guilty. "Don't worry, I'll be back in a couple of weeks. Tony will give me a massive pep talk probably try and bribe me again with some fancy suit or apartment to stay in, all perks of the job of course, and I will say no as usual then head back here. Standard procedure at this point" you say sarcastically as you both laugh before Bucky shows a worried face.

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