28. Selfish thoughts

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"All our work is gone" Bruce stated "Ultron cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch"

"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other" Nat added.

With those words you begin to panic. What does he know. Does he know about Bucky? Nat said he knows more about us than we do of each other. You were hiding one very big secret from everyone in the room. If Ultron knows about the Winter Soldier and wants to weaponize him then it's highly likely it would be able to find him. You felt guilty that this is what you were thinking about at a time like this. There were much bigger things going on but now you couldn't take your mind of making sure Bucky's okay. God what were you even doing here. In this room. Sat listening to this conversation. You weren't involved in this. Don't get attached to this you told yourself. Once you get attached it will be more difficult to eventually leave again. There was also this big thing of using your powers even though you had promised yourself you would never use them again. Nearly 24 hours back in the US and you had already used them.

"He also said he killed somebody" Clint says as you zone back into the conversation

"There wasn't anyone else in the building" Maria responds as she tends to her wounds.

"Yes, there was" Tony jumped in as he displays a projection of his Jarvis system all broken and teared apart.

"What?" Bruce begins "This is insane"

"Ultron was the first line of defence" Steve waged in "He would have shut Ultron down it makes sense"

"No Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis" Bruce continues "This isn't strategy. This is rage".

That's it. You can't stay in this room any longer. The longer you stay the more of an obligation you'll have to get involved. It's not that you didn't want to help but this wasn't why you came to New York. Getting involved in this would make life ten times more difficult to manage. Ever since it has been mentioned you had always turned down Shield or the Avengers. Although part of you wanted to help, another part didn't want this mess on your hands because once it was it would stain. You knew it.

Just as you were thinking of an excuse to get out the room without questions being ask Thor came storming in and grabbed Tony by the neck. It was the distraction you needed just to slip out the room at Tony's expense of course but from the sounds of it he deserved it.

You exit through some glass doors and head down a hall way as the conversation from the room faded to mumbles. Looking back you make sure that no one noticed you had left before you reach out and click the button for the elevator in front of you.

Making sure that Bucky is okay is the most important thing on your mind right now. Like they said, Ultron escaped through the internet. It could be anywhere by now and you where hoping it was no were near Bucky.

The elevator numbers clicked up one by one before it stopped and the doors slid open to welcome you inside. You clicked your floor number and the doors shut to show just a reflection of yourself in the mirror on the wall still standing in the same red dress and heels but your hair had turned into a mess at this point. You begin to slip the Swarovski crystal rings off your fingers and collect them in your right had before you cupped them to reach up and take out your earrings. How could such a good night turn so sour just like that. You were already exhausted from the travel but now you were completely gone. Part of you wanted to pack everything and go. It would be the easiest thing to do to make sure you don't get dragged into this mess. You also had no energy left in you to continue lying to everyone, to try and make them and yourself believe that Bucharest is the perfect place to live. Your head was completely scrambled. Until you were here you didn't realise how much you wanted to live back in the US. Bucharest was perfect for you because of the people, not the place. This was not good.

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