24. The first day of the rest of your life

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Keys hit the wooden door as Steve fumbled to get the door unlocked but with a bit of determination he managed to get the door open with no casualties. Small things like that reminded you that he is still that boy you once knew from the small amount of memories that were slowly slipping through. Or you where just trying to convince yourself he hadn't changed fully. In reality you might have been looking for things that you could cling on to in order to feel like the world you where living in now had some similarities to the world you knew back then but the more you learnt about the present times, the more worried you where that everything you once had was really gone. 

As you entered Steve's apartment ,after he let you go in first because of the gentleman he is, you already felt some sort of serenity. The place was calming. Bits of the past shone through like his old record player. I guess the feeling was mutual. Some old things just never die, especially when you're from those old times. You didn't know what you expected his apartment to look like but this just felt like him. The way things where placed and decorated, it had Steve written all over it. 

"It's not the biggest place but it's home" he said as he shut the door behind him.

"No I love it, it's so you" you let off a warm smile. 

"I would say you can stay as long as you would like but with Fury getting shot and all of our personal files being leaked, I don't know how safe it will be to stay very long. It's likely I'll be moving into somewhere new soon...but I guess we can talk about that later" he said after you attempted and failed to hold back your tiredness by letting out a yawn. 

"I'm so sorry I haven't slept since..." you took a moment to think until you realised "since like 3 days ago" you start laughing "I guess you don't know whether to laugh or cry at that".

Steve let out a smile that held so many emotions. Care, sadness, happiness but most of all sympathy. Something you didn't want him to feel for you.

You sighed and sat yourself on his sofa. The place was still a bit of a mess from when Bucky tried to assassinate Fury in Steve's living room but you didn't mention it. Would have be a bit of a sensitive subject.

"We have a lot of shit to sort out huh?" you said exasperated.

"Yeah, a lot" Steve huffed as he sat down next to you.

"We can figure it out tomorrow though right?" you said sarcastically looking at Steve.

"Yeah it's not a one night job. We definitely don't have the capacity to deal with any of it tonight" he laughed as you gave a big smile in return.

Letting out another yawn you let your head fall onto Steve's shoulder. You didn't know everything about your friendship with him yet but it wasn't something you needed to know, you just trusted him. He had a warmth that made you feel safe and calm. Although he couldn't quite understand what was going on in your head, he sure did try and make everything else easier to cope with and that's just the one thing you needed right now. 

Steve took his hand and rested it on your head which was still weighed on his shoulder.

After a moment of pure silence which was needed by both of you Steve began to move again.

"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the coach" he states.

"Steve no-" you begin to protest but from the look on his face he wasn't going to budge from what he just suggested. Although you did want to argue about it, the thought of a real bed sounded very exciting so deep down you also didn't want to argue and so you didn't. All you did was smile in return "Thank you Steve" you said.

"I can find some old clothes or something for you to sleep in" he paused "that's is until you know... we go shopping tomorrow and get you some things of your own" he suggested. 

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