17. Meeting again

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Although it was Maria's job to 'look after you' she understandably still didn't trust you. She took you out to a hidden base in some woods before locking you up in a room. It was interesting, doors where no longer locked using a lock and key. Technology had come so far and now doors open and close using finger print scanning. You weren't too bothered that you where locked up. It was the whole plan in the first place to be locked up however you weren't quite sure how they where going to let you walk free from this. The plan was for shield to take you and find you not guilty since you never killed Nick Fury but it seems this group of people already think your not guilty but continue to keep you locked up.

A part of you didn't want to get out however. You wanted to see Steve again. He was the only one in possession of your memories or at least some of them. He could tell you and help you to remember your old life. Plus, he seemed like a nice guy and like he cared about you. Its been a long time since someone cared about you. Sure the Sergeant implied that he did back at the Hydra base but he never explicitly said it. He was also trained to be an incredible liar so you didn't trust him either.

Deep down you wish you could have learnt more from the Sergeant. Before you left him revealing his identity showed that he was once a part of your life. You had no idea where he fit into your old life but part of you wanted to find out. Leaving him will leave you with questions and regret forever for not getting to know him. Although Steve may be able to tell you about him if he knew him, it is highly likely you will never be able to sit down and talk to him about everything but it was something you knew would happen and the risk you where willing to take to get out of there.

Days passed and they felt like long days. Someone would come 3 times a day to give you food and drink but no one else really visited. It wasn't 5 star treatment but you where used to this type of stuff. What made you worry however was that you left Hydra and have fallen back into another organisation willing to treat you the same. For moments you would get in your head about it but you where sure as soon as Steve is back they would let you out. You had hoped anyway.

It was killing you not knowing anything. No updates, nothing. The Sergeant could be dead or Steve and Natasha could be dead. They've been gone a while so it made you worry. You only wanted Steve back so he could tell you everything he knew but you still wanted the Sergeant to be alive so you could talk to him at least once and try to figure everything out. Now you where no longer under Hydra's control you where willing to be less closed off with him.

Time passed and dinner time came around. At 6 on the dot a agent would come and bring you food but unlike all the other times everything seemed to be rushed and everyone was alarmed. After the agent had given you your food a man ran past but just as he did his radio spat out "Winter Soldier engaged. Agent Romanoff and Cap spotted, send in reinforcements". They needed help. If they where up against the Sergeant they most likely weren't going to make it out alive.

You pushed on the door with all your strength but it wasn't budging. No movement, nothing. It was infuriating that everything had changed and you didn't know how to work around it. You stand in the room pacing around trying to figure out what to do. Suddenly, the lock that was keeping the door locked sparked as the door swung open. It was so odd. It had to be a malfunction of some sort but it just so happened at the time you needed it.

Without wasting any time you creep around the base until you find a large room filled with a few spare monitors. It was no technical set up. It looked like the place had been set up in a rush. After listening out you soon figured out that they had hacked into Hydra's radio systems. Everything that you heard was coming from them. After listening for a few more seconds you managed to hear the location of where the fight was happening.

Though you new the name of where it was you had no idea where you had to go so you swiped a table off the table next to the door of the room. It was confusing to use to start of with but you soon figured out that most things could have been done by voice activation. After searching in the location the tablet showed that the fight was happening just 15 minutes away from the base.

As you run towards the entrance you saw two large doors closed shut but weirdly again the lock keeping them closed began to spark and the doors seemed to be open when you pushed on them. Outside was a motorbike. Luckily this was something you knew how to use from training so as quickly as possible you got on it and followed the route the tablet showed.

As you got closer to the scene sirens and gun shots got louder. You had to be careful. Shield where near and you remember Steve saying something about being infiltrated by Hydra so you had to make sure you weren't caught again.

You get of your bike to try and not draw attention to you and as you turn you corner of a building you see Steve and the Sergeant fighting. Steve was holding his own well. Better than you thought he would anyway.

Suddenly Steve managed to flip the Sergeant around as his mask dropped to the floor. You didn't know what to do. As far as you where aware the Sergeant had never exposed his face in public.

"Bucky" Steve spoke in confusion as he caught a glimpse of his face.

You froze. That was Bucky? The guy he was talking about. The love of your life and the one that was supposed to be dead

"Who the hell is Bucky" the Sergeant responded in even more confusion and before he could fire the gun he was aiming at Steve he was knocked over by another man.

It all happened so fast as Natasha fired a rocket launcher at him.

"No" you shouted but it was too late. Steve and Natasha looked back at you. They weren't even aware you where there. For a moment you worried that the Sergeant was dead.

Shield cars pulled up around everyone when you caught a glimpse of a man running down a back ally. It was him. You couldn't leave again. You had to confront him. You had to know what was going on and without a seconds thought you run after him.

"Y/n No" Steve shouted but it was too late.

Hydra had already surrounded them. You weren't going to let them die. You would deal with Steve and Natasha later and get them away from Hydra but for now you couldn't let the Sergeant get away.

As you chased him down you ran past a shield car in which you threw a track onto so you could track wherever they took Steve and Natasha so you could get back to them.

Memories of a stolen life (Bucky Barnes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now