Chapter 9 - Vicious Power

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"There's not enough time. Its speed is too fast. There's no way we can escape back to the village." shouted Pi Hou. He was grimacing in pain, as he had just been pelted in the arm by a rock as a result of the chaos. A huge chunk of flesh was broken, and blood flowed directly from that wound.

"There is a rather deep cave over here. Let's hide in there for a while!" The little guy Shi Hao yelled towards everyone.

They were fleeing within the mountains, and after bypassing some large rocks, they charged into a group of giant vines. The little guy stealthily slipped in, and when the other kids saw this, they all followed closely behind.

This was a very damp cave, and it was covered with vines. A vague water dripping noise could be heard, and the lighting was extremely dim, making it almost pitch-black. The cavern was incomparably serene and hidden, and after entering, none of the children wanted to stand still. They all madly rushed in, and only after running ten meters did they stop.

Within the darkness, there were heavy breathing sounds. After running continuously for 500 meters, the ten or so children were all exhausted. Just now they were frightened and scared; that Green Scaled Eagle was too powerful. If that vicious bird caught up, one claw swipe would turn them into a pile of bloody mud and crushed bones.

"Hu, so dangerous. Just a bit more and we would have been finished!" After escaping the calamity and getting a renewed life, they all sat their buttocks on the ground.

"This cave entrance isn't too large, so that vicious bird should not be able to enter." Although the children began to relax a bit, they did not forget to take precautions.

The experience they faced this time was truly dangerous, and their corpses were almost buried within the mountain forest. After escaping that Archaic Devil Bird descendant's claws, they finally began to feel a bit more tranquil, and their backs were covered with a layer of cold sweat.

The cave was extremely deep and was linked up to an underground river. Cold wind swished by, and the children were looking at each other in dismay. Some of them were anxious; how were they going to return to Stone Village? None of them dared to exit this cave.

"Yi, that's right. Little guy, how did you know that there was a cave here?" After they calmed down a bit, the group of children remembered that at the crucial moment, the little guy found this path of life.

"Yiya!" The little guy was a bit embarrassed, and shyly played with the corners of his clothes. In a small murmuring noise, he said. "Last time, I ran out of the village while chasing after a scarlet sparrow, and almost got lost. I accidentally stumbled here."

The group of kids became mute. The little guy was great at everything, but he was too restless, and was extremely curious about everything. When he was little, there was a time when he also ran out of the village chasing the chief's big yellow dog.

"Hehe... the three year old little HaoHao still drinks milk and chases after everything!" The older kids were all teasing him.

The little guy felt embarrassed and was puffing his cheeks. Pouting with rage, he innocently said, "Stop laughing you guys. That was a sparrow completely covered in a blood red color. It looked exactly like the Archaic Divine Vermilion Bird recorded in the Bone Texts."

"Che, forget about those legendary existences, even a Red Cloud Bird or a later generation would all be able to eliminate a super clan. If it really was a Vermilion Bird, would it allow you to chase after it? Just a yawn from it would obliterate an emperor's territory!"

"But it really was exactly the same as what was recorded on the Bone Text. It was a deep red, and extremely beautiful." The little guy was trying to defend himself, and his small white hands were gripped tightly. His little flushed red face was a bit emotional, and his black jewel-like big eyes were radiating in the darkness.

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