Chapter 13 - Fury

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"Dad!" Pi Hou rushed out of the village while wailing and threw himself towards his father. He held one of Shi Shoushan's arms while tears rolling down. "What happened, who injured you?"

His mother ran over with tears dripping and grabbed another one of Shi Shoushan's hands while crying on the side.

"Why cry? So what if I got shot by an arrow, I often get hurt when hunting vicious beats. Bleeding a bit like this is nothing." Shi Shoushan stared right at them and did not cry. He was a strong-willed man.

Half his body was bloodstained, and an iron arrow pierced through his iron armor. It penetrated his right lung right through the back, and a 1.3 meter long arrow shaft, shiny, cold and stained with blood stuck out. This was a ghastly sight.

"Elder sister-in-law and nephew, don't cry anymore, brother Shoushan is still in a critical condition. After supporting him for a while, he will be as strong as an ox. He will get better really quickly." Fei Shijiao urged.

This was not a light injury. Even though Shi Shoushan had a strong body, he could not be incredibly careless or else he might suffer a grave condition and lose his life.

Fortunately, Shi Linghu and the others had already treated his injuries using crushed medicine from within the old mountain and applied it to his wound. At the same time he consumed the medicine made from a fierce beast's true blood that the elder provided.

"Stop crying, being able to return alive is already a fortunate event." Chief Shi Yunfeng approached and suddenly pulled out the iron arrow. A stream of blood spouted out. He rapidly flashed his hands, and mysterious symbols that were as bright as constellations immediately pressed down, closing the wound and stopping the blood flow.

Shi Yunfeng took out a jade jar from his chest and poured out two fragrant purple medicinal pills. He squeezed one of them into powder and applied it onto the wound while giving Shi Shoushan the other to swallow.

Shi Shoushan was lifted back home. The village's men and women both young and old gathered to visit him, and they brought all kinds of different supplemental medicine and dried meat as gifts. It was bustling and the villagers were all sincere and warmhearted.

"Uncle will certainly get better soon!" The little guy also gave his kind regards and brought him a basket of his favorite red berries.

"Alright... what happened?" In the chief's courtyard, a bunch of important people gathered. Shi Yunfeng furrowed his eyebrows and asked.

"Chief, it was certainly Wolf Village causing trouble. They overstepped their boundaries into our territory, and plundered a six footed camel that Shoushan killed. There was a clear killing intent, but thankfully, Shoushan promptly dodged. That was indeed a shot aimed at the heart." Shi Linghu angrily said.

Everyone's complexion changed; this was an intent to kill.

"To go this far, they really are ignorant of what is considered upright and honest. Although our two villages are only separated by 10 li, we both have our own territories to defend and almost never meet each other. However, we both live on the same mountain range, so no matter what, we should still give each other some face right? It definitely was not like this before." An elder exclaimed.

Shi Feijiao said: "A child shot the arrow, at least 14 or 15 years old, his outward appearance wasn't bad, as he was rather fair and attractive. However, he truly had a vicious heart, as he shot the arrow straight at Shoushan as if he was killing a wild beast. There wasn't a hint of wavering in his eyes; they were cold and fearsome."

At that moment, Stone Village's villagers were all infuriated, and all of them rushed forward together. However, their opponents were not weak either, and roughly ten individuals from the opposing party gathered right away while unyieldingly holding their ground.

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