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Lorelai hated Platform 9 and 3/4 for two reasons. The first was that it was always busy and loud. The second was that she'd always get shouted at by pure bloods to "go back to the filthy muggle world". Obviously they didn't do it while her mother was there because they were raised better than to insult someone while their parents are present. Instead they did it while she was getting on the train and when she was on it. She always sat in the same train compartment too. She was always alone in it unless Lily Evans popped by to say hello but even then the redheaded girl didn't stay. The girls had met on the Hogwarts Express in their first year. Lily was knocking on the bathroom door rapidly while Lorelai was trying to get changed. After the brunette had finished, she opened the door.
"Sorry if I took a long time, I couldn't figure out how to put the bloody robe on." Lorelai apologised.
"Are you a muggle born too?" Lily had asked her.
"Not quite, my father's a wizard but he died when I was younger and my mother's a muggle." The girl answered.
"At least we both aren't used to the wizarding world, I'm Lily by the way, Lily Evans." The redhead introduced herself.
"I'm Lorelai Bretford." Lorelai replied.
"Well Lorelai it was nice talking to you but I have to go now." Lily grinned at her new friend.

As the girl pulled out this year's potion text she saw a group of boys standing outside of her seating area. She stared at them over her book and tried to listen to what they were saying.
"This is the only free compartment." One whispered. She knew that this boy was Remus Lupin because of his light brown hair and less muscular appearance.
"I don't care, she's a Slytherin." Another boy hissed. He had shoulder length black hair and a post accent.
"Well you don't have to sit with us but I'm going in there because I want to sit down." A boy with dark brown hair and round glasses told him. As he did he slid the door open and started to walk in. Lorelai pretended to read but was actually interested in why the boys were sitting in the same compartment as her.
"You haven't read the potions text?" The boy with glasses asked her. "Isn't Slughorn strict on that?"
The girl put book back in her bag.
"What do you want Potter?" She questioned the boy. She looked behind him as a blonde walked over to where his friend was sitting. Sirius Black was outside staring daggers at the girl which she returned.
"You're a Slytherin." James stated. The girl rolled her eyes.
"Well done for figuring that one out Sherlock Holmes." She sighed, her voice was dripping with sarcasm.
"My names James Potter not Sherlock Holmes anyway, we're trying to figure out a way to prank Snivellus and some other Slytherin's." He explained. Lorelai just stared at him. She was shocked at what James had just told her.
"And what do you want me to do? Tell you their strengths and weaknesses. Tell you how to prank them." Lorelai joked. The boys didn't say anything. "I'm not going to get involved, they already hate me."
"Look Leilani-" James started.
"Lorelai." The girl corrected him.
"Lorelai, I know we haven't been nice to you, especially Sirius but we really need one person from Slytherin to tell us some information and then we'll be on our way. We'll pretend that this conversation never happened. It'll be like we never noticed you. Please just please think about it, we need to get Snivellus back for something he did before summer." James begged.
"One, why are you making this sound dodgy and two, you may as well leave because I'm not saying anything." The girl shrugged as she leaned back in her chair.
"Lorelai, this could be the best prank that we pull ple-"
"James she said no and I don't think she's going to change her mind. We should leave." Remus interrupted his friend. James took one last look of sadness at the girl before getting up and leaving with his friends.
"See I told you she wouldn't do it." Sirius murmured. "She's like the rest of them."
All four of the boys looked at her. James, Remus and Peter had a look begging her to change her mind but Sirius' was much more severe. Lorelai got her book back out of her bag and opened it to the page that she had stopped on. She read a few words before looking up to see that the Marauders were gone and let out a breath she didn't know that she was holding. This year's just gotten a lot worse.

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