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"I always knew that you would change your mind." James Potter grinned as Lorelai was flicking through a book in the library. They had a free period before Charms.
"I didn't change my mind for you. I just think that Snape should be put in his place." The girl informed him.
"Well what do you know about Snivellus?" Perer Pettigrew asked her.
"Well he's a half blood." She started. She saw the look on James' face. "I know right, he picks on people that are like him. Anyway, he doesn't have a good relationship with his dad, he's excellent at potions and defence against the dark arts."
"How do you know all this?" James questioned her.
"I used to be his friend." She mumbled.
"What was that? We couldn't hear you." Remus laughed.
"I. Used. To. Be. His. Friend." Lorelai enunciated. The boys erupted in laughter.
"That is the best joke I've ever heard." James pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.
"Sod off." Lorelai joked as shoved him.
"So how should we get him?" Peter asked her.
"Something that he's not good at like transfiguration or herbology. Maybe something that changes his appearance or the way he talks." The girl suggested. The boys exchanged the same look before James broke into a smile.
"Well, Leilani-" He started.
"Lorelai." She interrupted him.
"Well, Lorelai, I think that we are going to be good friends." James told her as he pulled her into a hug.
"Thanks Potter." She smile sarcastically as she pulled away from him. "But I'm only doing whatever it is we're doing once." She informed him.

By midday, Lorelai had gotten fed up of James following her everywhere. In transfiguration, he insisted that he helped her with the spell, in charms, he had persuaded Flitwick to pair them up and on the way to the Great Hall, he offered to carry her bag.
"Look Potter, thanks for everything but I don't need you following me." She told him.
"Sorry, I was just trying to show gratitude." He apologised.
"I know that you're thankful that I'm helping you prank Sniv- Severus but I still need alone time." She mumbled before walking off towards the Slytherin table. Snape was glaring at her the entire time.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She scowled at the boy before throwing up a finger at him.
"I'd be careful if I were you Bretford." Snape hissed at the girl. "Who knows what might happen to mud blood like you."
Lorelai was getting fed up with Severus' constant remarks about her blood status.
"Snivellus, aren't you a half blood yourself and here you are mocking me?" She reprimanded the boy. Everyone on the Slytherin table was looking at the two mixed bloods. Several people were murmering things to Snape. Lorelai decided that she would go back to the library, she wanted to actually be able to read for once without someone bothering her. On her way she bumped into a boy with dark hair that was just above his shoulders.
"Watch it." He sneered.
"Sorry." Lorelai apologised. She looked up to see who it was. "You could be a lot nicer, Black."
The boy scoffed making Lorelai roll her eyes.
"Just like your brother." She muttered under her breath.
"What was that?" The boy questioned her.
"I said that you're just like you're brother." She answered.
"How is that so?"
"Well I bumped into Sirius yesterday and he reacted like you have." Lorelai replied to the younger Black.
"Well I don't blame him, maybe you should just watch where you're going." Regulus snarled.
"Goodbye Regulus." Lorelai maintained a scornful tone.

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