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Lorelai was sitting in the library for the third time that day. Due to everyone being at dinner, she was the only person there. It was one of the only places that she didn't get insulted by people in her house.
"Lorelai." Someone shouted. She heard Madam Pince shush the person before looking up from her Herbology essay. "I didn't see you in the Great Hall and Moo- Remus mentioned that you went to the library straight from Herbology."
"Thanks Potter but I have an apple, besides someone told me it was shepherds pie. I hate it." Lorelai informed him. He sat down next her.
"Oh, I also wanted to apologise for Sirius' behavio-" The boy started.
"Look Potter, you don't have to apologise for what Sirius said. I'm a half blood in Slytherin, I've had much worse." She reassured him. She went back to writing her essay.
"What are you writing about?" James asked her.
"Fluxweed. Basically just about it's characteristics and uses." She answered.
"I'm shit at Herbology, so I took on divination instead." James told her.
"Divination." Lorelai repeated. "Isn't that with the crystal balls and tarot cards and what not?"
"Kind of." James chuckled. They sat in silence while Lorelai finished. her essay.
"What lessons do you have tomorrow?" The boy broke the silence.
"Umm Astronomy, Ancient Runes and Hisory of Magic." Lorelai answered.
"You only have three lessons." James gawked. Lorelai nodded her head.
"I have a quiet day tomorrow. Unlike Thursday. I have Transfiguration, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Arithmacy, Ancient Runes and Potions." She babbled.
"And what about coming here?" He asked her. "You've been in the library three times today." He added.
"I've had to catch up with everything. I had all the time in the world during summer seeing as my mum was hardly home but I still didn't do anything." The girl explained.
"Your mum's a muggle isn't she?"
Lorelai nodded her head at the boy.
"Yep, she's a nurse at a muggle hospital so she's hardly at home." Lorelai told James.
"I'm guessing you're an only child too." James assumed.
"You know it." She answered. Lorelai looked outside to see that night was setting in. "I should probably get back to the common room before curfew."
"I'll walk you back." James insisted. Lorelai nodded at him as she collected her parchment and books.

"One Christmas when I was five it snowed so I went to my Nan and Grandad's." Lorelai started. "My Grandad built this sled out of a laundry basket and sat me in before pushing me down the hill in their back garden." She continued. The two had been talking about their childhoods the duration of their walk to the dungeon. "And I crashed when I got to the bottom. The impact gave me a concussion and I broke my arm."
"That sounds fun, not the crashing part though." James laughed.
"It was great. That was the last Christmas before he died." She informed him.
"Oh, I'm sorry." The boy apologised.
"It's fine, doctors said that there wasn't much that they could have done." She reassured him as they got to the door that led to the dungeon.
"I'm really sorry for what Sirius said." James told Lorelai.
"It's okay, really. I don't blame him for saying the things he did." She shrugged.
"Do you want to go Hogsmeade this weekend?" He asked her.
"Sure." The girl answered.
"Well, bye then." James smiled.
"See you tomorrow James." Lorelai grinned back. She hugged him before he walked away. She mumbled the password and went into the
common room. It was mostly empty, apart from a boy sitting at a table. He sounded like he was crying.
"Are you okay?" She asked him. He turned around. It was Regulus Black. He turned his nose up in disgust.
"I'm fine, mud blood." He sneered.
"I know that we don't really know each other and you've been told to insult me and stuff but if you ever want to talk, I'm here." She told him.
"Why are you being nice?" He questioned her.
"Us Slytherin's have to stick together. Even if I don't belong here." She beamed. She realised that they weren't going to talk again so she went to her dorm.

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