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"Why don't you wear school shoes?" James asked Lorelai as he was picking at the laces of her battered Converse's. Lorelai's legs were draped over James' lap and she was leaning against the hall. Remus was next to her playing with a lighter. Sirius was leaning on the wall opposite them. Peter had said that he was busy.
"I don't know, I guess I just prefer trainers." She shrugged. James kept on tying and untying the laces. Eventually, she batted his hands away.
"What?" He questioned her.
"It's annoying." The girl answered as she changed her position so she was fully leaning against the wall with her legs pulled up in front of her as she tied up her laces.
"I was just doing your laces." James mumbled.
"You didn't need to." Lorelai told him.
"But I was just-" The dark haired boy started.
"Can you two stop arguing like an old married couple?" Remus questioned them. Lorelai took the lighter off of him and lit it herself before flicking it off. She did this repeatedly. The four sat in silence for a long time.
"Why is our free period so boring?" James asked. Lorelai looked at him while sparking the lighter again and shrugged.
"It's because these two aren't flirting with each other." Remus answered as he pointed to Sirius and Lorelai.
"Oh I'm sorry that I'm not flirting with Paws." Sirius replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Alright mate, I'm sure Moony didn't mean it like that." Lorelai defended Remus. Sirius got up.
"I'm tired of you all thinking that all I do is flirt with Paws." He admitted and began to walk away. Lorelai looked at the two remaining boys. She gave Remus his lighter back and got up to follow Sirius.

"What's the matter?" Lorelai questioned the boy. He punched the wall next to him.
"My brother gave me a letter after breakfast." He answered. "My parents, they want me to come back at Christmas."
Lorelai realised that she knew nothing about his family or why he hated it.
"I thought you were staying with James and his parents." She assumed.
"I was but even Dumbledore said that they're not my legal guardians." Sirius sat down on the floor with his head in his hands. Lorelai sat down next to him.
"It's alright, we'll find another place for you to stay." She tried to reassure him.
"I don't think we will." He disagreed. Lorelai rested her hand on his cheek, stroking it slightly with her thumb.
"Trust me Padfoot, we will and if not you'll have to come home with me, you're always welcome." She insisted. Sirius smiled weakly.
"Lorelai, you are the brightest star in my sky." He told her.
"I know." She smiled.
"That's where you got to." A voice announced. behind them. Lorelai turned her head to see James and Remus.
"I thought that I walked far enough that you wouldn't find me." Sirius half joked.
"We used the map." Remus informed him.
"What's 'the map'?" Lorelai asked.
"It's something that we created in second year." James told her. He turned to Sirius. "Now are you going to tell us what's going on with you?"
He looked at Lorelai, she nodded at him.
"My parents." He sighed. James sat down instantly, knowing that it would be a long story.

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