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"Halloween's in a few days." James stated.
"What should we then?" Sirius asked. Lorelai looked up from her book.
"Don't tell anyone I said this but some other Slytherin's are having a party in the common room." She told the boys. James and Sirius exchanged a look.
"No we are not crashing the Halloween party." Remus denied.
"Oh come on Moony, it'll be fun." Sirius insisted.
"Yeah, obviously Paws wants us to do it otherwise she wouldn't have told us." James argued. Remus looked at Lorelai she just shrugged.
"We could dress up in matching Halloween costumes." She suggested. Sirius' grin grew wider. He put his arm around Lorelai, it had become something that he did quite frequently.
"See Paws, this is why you are the brightest star in my sky." He exclaimed.
"You Padfoot, are the most idiotic and dramatic person that I have met." She replied. Sirius put his free hand over his chest.
"Your words cut me like a knife." He joked.
"However will I sleep at night?" Lorelai asked sarcastically.
"In my arm's." Sirius replied.
"Not a chance, Lover boy." She booped Sirius' nose. Remus cleared his throat and all the attention went to him.
"What costumes will we wear?" He questioned.
"Anything but clowns." Peter instructed them as he shuddered. "I hate clowns."
"Black." Lorelai blurted out.
"Yes Lorelai." Sirius replied. Lorelai rolled her eyes.
"Not you, black. We should wear black." She corrected him. "But I need to go, team meeting in the common room."

Lorelai got up from the desk and started packing up her books and rearranged her robes. She also put her foot on the chair to tie the laces of her battered, black Converese
"I'll walk you back." Sirius suggested.
"I can walk myself." Lorelai turned Sirius down.
"I'll walk you back, no hastle." He insisted. He took Lorelai's book bag and put it on his shoulder.
"You heard her, she doesn't need you to walk her back." James sighed.
"Tell us when you score." Remus instructed him. Peter and Remus high fived and burst out laughing. James, Sirius and Lorelai rolled their eyes and left.
"I forgot to tell you but my mum really liked her gift." Lorelai told Sirius.
"What did you get her?" He asked her.
"I took you suggestion. I recorded myself singing 'A case of you' and put it on a tape. I also sent a howler of James and I singing happy birthday." She replied.
"You and James?" He questioned her.
"Yeah, I was with him when I did it and he started singing along." Lorelai answered.
"Well i'm glad she liked it." He mumbled.
"Yeah, I told her that you suggested it." She admitted.
"Really?" Sirius lifted his eyebrow at the girl. Lorelai nodded. "I'm honoured."
"Of course you are." She giggled. The two continued walking and talking until they got to the dungeons.
"This is my stop." Lorelai smiled.
"I guess it is." Sirius replied, looking into her honey brown eyes. Lorelai turned around and started walking. "Lorelai stop."
The girl did as she was told. Sirius grabbed her waist and spun her around, pulling her close to him. His lips crashed against hers. Lorelai put her hand on his cheek. After a few minutes Lorelai pulled away. Blush rised in her cheeks.
Sirius smiled at her.
"See you tomorrow?" He asked her.
"You know it Padfoot." Lorelai answered.

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