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"She probably thinks she's better that him." Lorelai heard a girl whisper to her friend as she walked to the Great Hall for breakfast.
"If I was Bretford, I'd say yes to him." The other girl mumbled back. "It's not everyday you have Sirius Black begging you to go out with him."
The girl wasn't in the mood to argue with people so instead of confronting the two girls she walked past them. The watched her storm past.
"Do you think she heard us?" The second girl asked. Once Lorelai had gotten to the hall she looked towards the Gryffindor table. The Marauders weren't there. Annoyed, she sat down at the Slytherin table and started to put food on her plate. While she was eating toast, someone slammed their hands on the table in front of her.
"I want to talk to you." The boy demanded her. Lorelai sighed as she put down her toast and left the Great Hall with Sirius Black. Sirius lead her to a quiet area.
"What have you been telling people?" He questioned her.
"I haven't said anything to anyone." She replied.
"Really because I heard Mary and Marlene in the common room saying that I'm begging you to go out with me." He argued. Mary and Marlene must have been the two girls she heard five minutes ago.
"Why would I say that?" Lorelai asked. "We don't even talk to each other."
"I'm warning you Bretford." Sirius scowled. "Stop spreading these rumours otherwise you'll be added to list of Slytherin's that me and my friends are going to prank."
After saying that he walked back into the hall.

Later in Potions, Lorelai was hounded by Gryffindor girls asking why she declined Sirius' offer. Sirius himself was sitting near the back if the classroom with James, Peter and Remus.
"Sirius isn't begging me to go out with him." She told the girls. "If anyone's begging me to do anything, it's James."
The girls didn't give up and kept on asking her questions.
"You all heard her, Sirius hasn't asked her anything. Now piss off and stop spreading rumours." Lily shouted at the girls before sitting next to Lorelai.
"Thanks." The brunette mumbled.
"You need to stand up for yourself." Lily advised the girl.
"I do." The girl's voice went slightly high pitched. Lily looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Most of the time."
Professor Slughorn started the class.
"Today, you'll be working in partners." He informed them. He then looked at James and Sirius. "I will be pairing you all up."
Lorelai found herself paired up with Remus Lupin. She didn't really mind it. They both weren't pureblood and he was a few marks away from her in most of their lessons. Lily looked a Lorelai with disgust in her eyes. She had been paired with James Potter. From what Lorelai knew, Lily hated James and his friends apart from Remus.
"James has asked me to ask you if you've changed you're mind." Remus admitted. Lorelai let out a stiff laugh.
"He doesn't rest does he?" She asked the boy. He shook his head.
"Unfortunately not." He laughed.
"Look, Slughorn's put two mud bloods together. Their potions going to be a disaster, especially if Bretford's in charge." Severus Snape chuckled from next to them. Mulciber was laughing too. Lorelai rolled her eyes but didn't respond.
"Shut up Snivellus, you're greasy hair's going to affect your potion." Remus shot back at him.
"Bretford can't even stick up for herself. No wonder why you're dad-" Snape started. Lorelai had pulled her wand and had it pointed towards him.
"Don't talk about my father." She scowled at him. Severus was trembling at the wand that was pointed at him.
"Is there a problem here?" Slughorn asked the teenagers. Lorelai pulled her wand away from the dark haired boy.
"No sir, just a misunderstanding." Remus answered. For the rest of the lesson Lorelai, Remus, Severus and Mulciber kept quiet.
"You should have hexed him." Remus whispered to the girl. She looked at him in disbelief. She thought that he was a goody two shoes but then again, she wasn't exactly a rule breaker either.
"And risk getting detention? No way." She scoffed.
"So umm, about the prank-"
"I'm in." Lorelai interrupted Remus.
"What?" Remus questioned her.
"Do you have hearing problems Lupin?" She inquired. "I said I'm in."

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