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"Ready boys?" Lorelai asked them. They all nodded their heads. It was October 27th. For a month the four (Lorelai, Sirius, James and Peter) had gathered ingredients, perfected pronunciation and kept a Mandrake leaf in their mouths. They had been waiting for an electrical storm to happen and tonight was the night.
"On the count of three." James instructed them as the lightening stuck.
"One." Peter started.
"Two." Sirius continued.
"Three." Lorelai finished. The four opened their potions and drunk it. They then placed the tip of their wands over their heart.
"Amato Animo Animato." They chanted. They began to feel a fiery pain inside of them. They repeated the chant over and over again. The teenagers began to feel a second heartbeat rise in them. It was slightly alarming but they weren't scared. The transformation started to begin. It started at their legs, then it travelled up their body like a disease until they were fully transformed. In the area behind the shrieking shack, four animals now stood.
One was a stag, it had brown fur and majestic antlers. The second was a German Shepherd. It was pure black with snarling teeth. The third was a rat. It was dark brown and quite chubby. The fourth was a Pharaoh Hound. It's coat was a shiny black. The German Shepherd let out a bark of triumph, the Pharaoh Hound joined in, the Stag bellowed and the Rat squeaked.

"How about nicknames?" Sirius asked. The four were all in detention for being caught out late last night. Luckily no one what they were doing.
"Nicknames would be cool. It would be mysterious." James agreed.
"I like the idea of nicknames." Peter mumbled. The three boys looked at Lorelai.
"Fine, we'll make up nicknames." She rolled her eyes.
"Remus already has one, Moony because of the moon." Peter blurted out. James and Sirius shot him a glare.
"Because he's a werewolf isn't he?" She questioned.
"How did you know that?" Sirius asked her.
"I noticed last year that he would be in the hospital wing the day after a full moon so I put two and two together." She shrugged. The boys were looking at her. "Did you notice how Pete's tail looked like a worm?"
"Wormtail should be your nickname." James laughed.
"I don't like it." Peter argued.
"I think it suits you Wormtail." Lorelai reassured him. "Now James you're a stag. Stag's have antlers. Antlers have prongs. Rudolph the reindeer. Wait that's a reindeer"
"Prongs." Sirius repeated. He turned to James and smiled. "Prongs, don't you think our dear little Lory is a genius."
"She is, I don't know where we'd be without her." James admitted. "Now you two." He looked at Sirius and Lorelai. "You're both dogs and what do all dogs have?"
"Eyes." Sirius answered at the same time Lorelai said "ears."
James shook his head.
"Paws." He corrected them.
"What so we're both gonna be called 'Paws'?" Lorelai asked him.
"No." James replied. "Paws are basically padded feet so." He pointed at Sirius "Padfoot." He turned to Lorelai "Paws."
Sirius was grinning at his new nickname, Lorelai however wasn't as thrilled.
"Don't look like that Lory." Sirius cooed. He sat next was sitting in the desk next to her's so he put his arm around her. "Padfoot and Paws, the unstoppable doggy duo, sounds cute."
"Alright fine, Paws it is." Lorelai sighed reluctantly.

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