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Once Lorelai had finished her breakfast, she got up and went over to the Gryffindor table.
James was sitting down, staring at Lily in adoration. Lily however, wasn't interested in him. She felt a pit in her stomach. The fact that James was so obsessed with a girl that didn't like him back didn't sit right.
"Lory, I was wondering if you wanted to meet me in the library later to study." Lily suggested.
"Umm yeah, sure." Lorelai answered. James snapped out of his gaze.
"Ready for Transfiguration?" He asked her.
Lorelai nodded her head. James got up and followed her.
"You're friends with Evans right?" He questioned the girl.
"Well done for noticing." Lorelai replied.
"Sarcasm must be your middle name." James joked.
"Actually it's Millicent." She informed him.
James burst out laughing.
"Lorelai Millicent Bretford." James chuckled.
"Piss off, isn't your full name James Fleamont Potter. That's just sad." Lorelai shoved him.
"Yeah, well that's my dad's name." He admitted.
"My nan's name is Millicent." She told the boy.
"Anyway, Lory, do you think that you could get my beautiful, darling Evans to date me?" James asked her. The pit formed in her stomach again.
"First of all Potter, don't call me Lory and second of all no, she doesn't like you." Lorelai answered.

James and Lorelai were sitting in the library. Lorelai was helping James with his transfiguration homework.
"You know Potter, I'm starting to think that you have no friends." She admitted.
"Why is that Lory?" He questioned her.
"Because you do nothing but follow me around like a lost puppy. I know you want me to do the prank with you but I know you want something else." Lorelai replied. James set down his quill.
"Alright fine, we need someone to help us with an animagus spell." He admitted. Lorelai looked at him stunned then she started laughing.
"That's a really funny joke." She wiped away tears. She then saw his expression. "Oh shit, you're serious."
"No I'm clearly James." He informed her.
"Oh piss off, you know what I mean." She told him. James picked his quill back up and started playing with the feathers.
"Tell me about your family." He changed the subject.
"Why?" She questioned him.
"Because I want to know more about you." He replied.
"Well my mum is a muggle and my dad was a wizard, obviously. When I was seven he, he killed himself." She explained. Lorelai saw the look that James had sent her and cleared her throat. "My mum works as a nurse in a muggle hospital so she's always working. Most of the time I'm with my nan. That's pretty much it."
"How long has your mum been working at the hospital?" James asked her.
"Since my dad died."
James finished the last sentence of his essay.
"I like talking to you." He told her.
"And why is that Potter?" She questioned him.
"Because you're easy to talk to, most of the time." He answered.
"We've been talking all of two days and before that you never even looked at me." She laughed.
"Sorry about that." The boy apologised.
"It's fine, we better go before curfew." Lorelai smiled. They got up and left. James walked her back to the Slytherin common room again.
"Meet me at The Three Broomsticks tomorrow at 3 o'clock." James advised the girl as they got outside the common room.
"Why?" She asked him.
"You'll see." He grinned at her.
"See you tomorrow then James." Lorelai waved at him as he walked off. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "What?"
"You called me James instead of Potter." He exclaimed.
"I did, didn't I?" She pondered. "I guess it just slipped out."
"See you tomorrow Lory." James smiled.

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