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Lorelai sat on the sofa in the common room. Her stomach was full of butterflies and her head, full with thoughts.
"Our next match is against Huffflepuff." Emma Vanity informed the team. "Winning the last match gives us an advantage since we're tied with Gryffindor."
"I don't know why we're having this team talk. We're going to win anyway." Regulus sneered.
"I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows the drill. Quidditch practice every Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday morning, ok?" Emma asked. Everyone nodded their heads. Emma's enthusiastic smile dropped. "You're all free to go."
People started getting up. Lorelai was the first one to leave. She went into her dorm and collapsed on her bed. A huge smile spread across her face. It wasn't because she kissed Sirius (well it kind of was), it was because no one looked at her funny during the team meeting, no one said anything to her or about her. She was starting to feel as if the other Slytherin's were slowly starting to accept her. Lorelai got up and got changed into her pyjamas. She looked at the photo she had hung up of her, James, Sirius and Remus. She liked the way that wizard photos moved. She liked the way that you could see people laughing instead of just seeing smiles, she liked the way how you could see the light shimmer in all of their eyes and most of all she liked the few seconds where Sirius was shown looking at her as a huge grin spread across his face as well as James smiling at her as she ruffled his hair.

Lorelai woke up late the next morning. She was rushing as she had a shower and got changed. She rushed as she put her hair into a high ponytail and hurried to the Great Hall. On her way in she met the familiar, grey eyes of Sirius Black. He was sitting with his friends , laughing at James' declaration of love to Lily. Lorelai's smile faded. She felt something, she didn't know what but she felt something. She sat down down at the end on the Slytherin table.A girl sat down next to her. She knew her as Peggy Parkinson. Peggy was a pale girl with dark hair. In the first year, Peggy had a massive crush on Lucius Malfoy, despite the fact that he was not only in his sixth year but also dating Narcissa Black.
"Hey Lorelai." The girl smiled at her.
"Hi Peggy." Lorelai replied.
"How are you?" Peggy asked.
"I'm good, you?" Lorelai questioned in response.
"I'm fine, I just wanted to let you know that some of us Slytherin's are having a Halloween party in the room of requirement." Parkinson informed her. Lorelai already knew this and she had told the Marauders. "We should have matching costumes."
"I wasn't going to go but I'll think about it." Lorelai lied.
"Great, I hope I see you there." Peggy grinned before getting up and walking away. Lorelai looked over at the Gryffindor table to see Sirius staring at her. He nodded his head towards the door as a gesture to leave. Lorelai wrapped a cinnamon roll in a napkin and put it in her pocket and ate a strip of bacon as she got up.

Sirius led her into an empty classroom.
"What did Parkinson want?" He asked her.
"Just telling me about the Halloween party." She shrugged.
"I've never liked her." Sirius chuckled. Lorelai looked at him "Especially since she had a thing for my cousin's boyfriend."
"Jealous that she liked Malfoy and not you?" The girl questioned.
"Why would I be jealous of Mr full of himself?" He inquired as he brushed a strand of hair behind Lorelai's ear.
"It seems like you two have more in common than you think." She answered. Sirius leaned in towards her more. One more move and their noses would be touching.
"Are you saying that I'm self centered?"
"Well I'm not saying that you humble." She smiled at him.
"You're words wound me, Paws." Sirius winced.
"Go cry me a river Padfoot." She told him. Sirius put his hand on Lorelai's cheek.
"What if I do something better?" He asked her.
"What would that be?" She questioned him. He went in a kissed her. It was soft and delicate. He pulled away after a while.
"I should get going, wouldn't want Prongs to think that I've gone missing would we?" He smirked.

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