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James and Lorelai were sitting in the library together. James was holding Lorelai's hand as she studied.
"I don't understand why you study so much." He told her. "I hardly study at all."
"I just want to prove to people that I'm supposed to be here." She shrugged.
James put an arm around his girlfriend.
"You don't need to." He reassured her. "We all know that you're here because you're a witch."
"Thanks James." She smiled at him. He leaned in towards her and kissed her.
"Oh my Merlin." They heard something gasp. "Lorelai and Sirius have only just broken up and now she's snogging James Potter."
The two turned to see Emmeline Vance talking to a bunch of her friends.
"What a slag." A brunette girl scoffed. James got up from his chair.
"Did you just call my girlfriend a slag?" He questioned them.
"Yeah and what?" Emmeline asked him.
"She's not a slag." He answered.
"Well obviously you would say that." The girl sneered.
"You're one to talk." He snapped. "Didn't you date both Prewett twins in the same week?"
Emmeline huffed before walking off. James turned to look at Lorelai with a smirk on his face.
"That was so mean." She reprimanded him.
"She deserved it." He told her. "I'm not going to let her talk about my girl like that."
Lorelai smiled at him.
"It's time for dinner." She grinned. James insisted on gathering Lorelai's books before slinging her bag over his shoulder and holding her hand as they left the library.

Four sets of eyes stared at the couple when they walked in laughing.
"Come sit with me at the Gryffindor table." James whispered to her.
"Okay."'She mumbled. She walked with James to the Gryffindor table. He say down next to Remus and opposite Sirius.
"You alright boys?" He asked them. They didn't answer. "You alright Lily?"
"No I won't go out with you Potter stop asking." She replied.
"I didn't ask you to go out with me, I have a girlfriend thank you very much." He told her.
Sirius stood up and stormed off. Remus went to get up but Lorelai stopped him.
"I should go talk to him." She announced. She stood up and followed him.
"Sirius wait up." She called after him once she had left the Great Hall. Sirius didn't stop. Lorelai started running to catch up with him. She grabbed his wrist to get him to stop.
"Why him?" He questioned her. He didn't turn to face her but he stopped.
"What do you mean?" She asked in response.
"There are so many other boys but you chose James." He answered.
"I like him Sirius." She informed him. "If you wanted to be with me then you shouldn't have made the bet. I did like you, I really did but-."
"I hurt you I know and I'm so fucking sorry but I love you. I really love you." He interrupted her.
"I'm sorry Padfoot." She apologised. "I'm with James but I don't want anything to be tense between us, can we still be friends?"
"No." He replied. "I can't just pretend that I don't love you. I can't pretend that I'm okay with you being with James."
Sirius walked away, leaving Lorelai standing alone in the corridor. She didn't know how to feel but she knew that she had just lost a friend.

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