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Lorelai was sitting next to Lily during her transfiguration lesson. She hadn't been listening at all. She was drawing doodles on her parchment and thinking about her stupidity. She had basically invited Sirius Black, a boy who she wasn't even dating and had hated her until mid last month, home for Christmas. She had invited Sirius 'Posh Boy' Black to her council house in a dodgy neighbourhood in Peckham. The neighbourhood where people sold drugs and had daily fights that included knifes and other bladed objects. She then realised that she stated he would only stay with her if he couldn't find anywhere else.
"What's up?" Lily asked the girl. Lorelai snapped out of her worried thoughts.
"It's nothing." She answered. "Actually would you say that Peckham is the best place for a pureblood to stay?"
"Well I mean, the places I've been in Peckham weren't exactly the safest place in London." Lily answered. Lorelai groaned and put her head on the desk. "Why'd you ask?"
"I may or may not have invited Sirius home for Christmas." She replied. Lily's eyes widened.
"Are you two-" She started.
"No, no, we're not. That's the thing. I mean we've kissed twice but we've not talked about what we are. I don't want to either. He hated me until a month ago." Lorelai interrupted. Lily shoved her friend slightly.
"You should talk to him. He might like you." The Gryffindor encouraged her.
"I don't know." She mumbled.
"Do you like him or not?" Lily inquired.
"I don't know" The brunette answered. "I think I do but Lily, every time I see James flirting with you I get this weird feeling in my stomach."
"Looks like you like both of them." Lily reassured her. "Talk to Sirius after class and then find James later."

After Transfiguration, Lorelai went straight to Potions. She wasn't exactly excited about it but she didn't want to talk to Sirius or James and Remus. She sat at the back of the class to avoid getting attention. A group of Gryffindor's came into the classroom, including the Marauders.
"Marlene." Lorelai whispered to the girl who was trying to find a seat.
"Hey, Lorelai." She smiled at the Slytherin.
"Sit next to me." Lorelai suggested but as Marlene was about to sit down, Remus put his bag down on the chair.
"Sorry McKinnon, Peter wouldn't let me sit next to him." He smirked. Both of the girls rolled their eyes. Marlene walked over to Lily's desk with a slight huff. Remus turned to Lorelai.
"James and Sirius both like you." He informed her. "It's obvious that they do to everyone apart from you three."
"Class is starting." She told him.
"Today, you'll be working in pairs to produce a wit- sharpening potion." Professor Slughorn informed them. "No Mr Black and Mr Potter, you can not work together."
"Good choice that is." Remus mumbled.
"James is gonna pair up with Lily probably." Lorelai stated.
"I don't think he will you know." Remus shrugged.
"I guess we're partners now." Sirius smirked at the girl as he stood over her desk.
"Actually Moony and I are partners." She told him. Remus smiled at Sirius.
"Oh right, never mind then." Sirius frowned slightly. He went over to Marlene who still needed a partner. James was standing with Peter, Lorelai guessed that they were working together.
"You need to choose one of them." Remus instructed her. "And soon, we don't need a love triangle."
"We were great partners last time, apart from the Snivellus thing." She changed the subject.
"Where is Snivellus anyway?" The boy asked. "I haven't seen him since the prank."
Lorelai didn't reply, she just read the instructions in her potions book.

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