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Lorelai was standing outside the door of The Three Broomsticks. She was wearing a brown, corduroy skirt with a deep orange top and black Doc Martens. Her hair was down and had a bit of volume. It was nearing 3 o'clock, the time she was set to meet James. Lily came walking past with another girl and stopped.
"Who are you waiting for?" She asked Lorelai.
"Potter." The Slytherin answered.
"He's inside already." Lily informed her.
"Thanks Lil." Lorelai smiled at the redhead before entering. She looked around for the spectacled boy. Soon her eyes met the hazel eyes of James Potter. He smiled at her. As her eyes wondered she realised that he was with his friends. Remus wasn't bad, they only talked during the potions lesson but other than that, they hardly looked at each other. Lorelai had never spoken to Peter, she didn't want to either. Sirius Black openly hated her. James was the only Marauder that she's had more than one conversation with. James got up and started to walk towards her.
"I thought when you asked me to meet you, it would just be us two." She told him. They stuck close together in the packed pub as they walked towards the table James had been sitting at.
"I should've mentioned that the boys would be coming." James whispered.
"Yeah, you should have." Lorelai mumbled back before sitting next to him.
"Why is she here?" Sirius questioned him.
"Look, I don't know what vendetta you have against Slytherin but if you actually got to know me instead of walking off every time I was near you, you'd know that I'm not that bad. I don't even know why I was sorted into Slytherin. I should've been put in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw." Lorelai argued. The four boys went quiet.
"You're right." Sirius muttered.
"What?" She asked him.
"You're right." The dark haired boy repeated. "I'm sorry." He added.
"I'm sorry too Lorelai, I haven't exactly been warm to you." Remus apologised.
"Sorry Lorelai." Peter squeaked. James had a big smile on his face. He nudged Lorelai.
"Look who's making new friends." He joked.

After a few rounds of butterbeer's, the boys (not including James) were starting to warm up to Lorelai.
"Ok, we need to think of something good to do." James tried to hush the loud laughter of his friends.
"We need to do something big, you know. Go big or go home. All or nothing." Lorelai slurred.
"Like what though?" Sirius asked her.
"Itching powder in their beds, putting everything in their dorms on the ceiling, changing the way they speak or changing their appearance." She suggested. "We just need to make sure that we prank Snivellus the most."
Remus grinned from ear to ear and slung an arm around her.
"I apologise for my behaviour in the past and I hope that this is the beginning of a glorious friendship." He told her.
"Don't worry Lupin, the past is in the past." She reassured him.

At 8 o'clock, Lorelai was past sober. Sirius had managed get a bottle of fire whiskey that she had downed in minutes.
"Let's get you back to Hogwarts yeah?" James, who was the only sober one, asked her.
"No." She answered.
"What do you mean no?" He was supporting her as he walked to Honeydukes. Sirius, Remus and Peter were close behind.
"I don't want to go back to Slytherin." She replied. "They all hate me and I don't belong there. All they do is call me a filthy mud blood and say that I should go back to the muggle world."
James glanced back and exchanged a few looks with his mates.
"Well after this prank, they're not going to do it anymore." He tried to reassure her as they crept into the sweet shop. Lorelai shivered, it was quite cold for the beginning of September.
"Here have my coat." Sirius insisted as he put the coat on the girl.
"Why are we in Honeydukes?" Lorelai asked.
"Shhh." Remus hissed. "No one can hear us."
Lorelai nodded and stumbled through the passage as James lead her. She stopped.
"Why have you stopped?" Sirius questioned her. She bent over and vomited. The boys shared a look of disgust.
"I'll stay here with her, James you go and get your invisibility cloak." Sirius told him. He turned to Peter and Remus. "You two can go to bed."
The three boys walked off. Lorelai sat against the tunnel wall with her head in her hands. Sirius was left cleaning up the sick that was on the floor. After he had finished he transfigured a water bottle and gave it to her.
"Here, drink this." He advised her. She did as she was told. He sat next to her. Lorelai was still shivering.
"Come here." He opened up his arms. Lorelai looked at him suspiciously but then moved closer to him since she was getting cold.
"I feel like such an idiot." She blurted.
"Don't, not everyone can keep down their drinks." The boy laughed.
"That makes me feel so much better." The girl scowled. "Why do you hate us?"
"What do you mean?" He asked her.
"I mean, why do you hate Slytherin's?" She reiterated.
"Because of my family." He answered.
"So your family is the reason you hate me. That's lovely." The brunette rambled.
"I don't hate you, I don't like you but hate you." He corrected her. When Lorelai didn't answer, Sirius looked down to see that she had fallen asleep. "Maybe I would like to be friends with you after all."

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