Sick days

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Sarah POV:

I wake up to a phone alarm going off, with a groan I go to roll over to turn it off only to find I couldn't move. My eyes fly open only to sting with dryness, making a noise under my breath as I cuss to myself for sleeping with my contacts in. As I try and open my eyes again slowly I felt something move behind me making me freeze. But before I could freak out I hear Chase behind me mutter,

"Stupid phone, I was having such a good dream too."

I snort as I finally reach the phone and turn it off, rolling back into Chases chest with a sigh. I felt achy all over and my eyes hurt like hell, making me somewhat whimper softly. I could feel him move slightly and brush some hair out of my face and whisper,

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I crack a eye open slightly and mutter,

"Other then feeling like I got body slammed into a jump, I fell asleep with my contacts in and that makes my eyes all irritated is all."

He looked at me for a second before checking my forehead with his hand only to frown and pull away. He mutters under his breath,

"Shit, I think you might have a cold. You feel pretty warm. It's probably from being soaked like you were for so long yesterday."

I pitifully whined and curled into his chest. I felt him pull me into him as if he was my blanket. After a few minutes I whisper softly,

"Can you possibly go get my purse out of my car? I really want to get these stupid contacts out."

He nods his head and pushes up off me, only to lean down and kiss my forehead softly. As he goes to do that I sit up and feel slightly nauseous but it went away after I was up. Walking to the bathroom I quickly take my contacts out and throw them away. I carefully walk back out and see him just walk back in from the garage with my bag. Walking over to him squinting to be able to somewhat see he hands me my bag. Smiling in thanks I fiddle with it for a second before finding my glasses case and putting them on. As I could see again I grab some eye drops from my make up bag and put some in, sighing in relief I look over at him to see him watching me with amusement. Rolling my eyes with a smile I lean against the counter and look outside to see it's still pouring and say,

"Well I don't think we're going to have practice today, do you?"

He looks outside too and nods his head saying,

"Yeah I don't think so either. I bet the roads are covered in debris too, the winds were pretty bad last night. Plus your sick so a day off to try and recover is good."

I scrunch my nose up and whine,

"But I hate being sick, it's annoying. All I want to do is sleep till it goes away."

I look at him and blush,

"Sorry, I've been told I could get whiny and clingy when I don't feel good. I'm not any other time though."

He just chuckled and pulled my arms till I was right in front of him and says,

"That's fine, and I'm telling you that I get really protective and mother hen like when I'm going to take care of you today."

My eyes widen as I look up at him and stutter,

"Wait, you want me to stay? I could totally go home if you wanted me too, I'd be fine!"

He just shakes his head as his hands go from my arms to my hips and says,

"No, like hell I'd let you drive when you feel bad. Plus you got sick under my watch, so let me try and make you feel better."

Before I could reply I got dizzy making me lean into him slightly and mutter,

"Woah, I think I need to lay down."

And before I knew it he had picked me up and says,

"I think that's a good idea. And if you thought I'd let you drive home now your crazy."

I pout as I had to agree with him not that I would tell him that. He gently lays me down on the couch and covers me up while he told me,

"I'm going to go call the team to see what today's plan is, and even if they still want to ride I'm not going. Because it would be stupid too and I want to stay here and take care of you."

Before I could respond he was walking off with his phone to call them. As I lay there I snuggle into the blanket some more as I was freezing cold. I poked my head head to see if there was anymore blankets when I see one at the other side of the couch. Sitting up I get dizzy again which made my stomach lurch slightly. Breathing slowly through my nose I manage to calm it down be for reaching for the blanket and laying it over me as well. Once I got them where I wanted I lay back down and curl up into a ball. I was almost asleep when I heard Chase come back in and sit on the couch above my head. Picking up and laying my head on his thigh I ask,

"So were they going to be stupid or play it smart today?"

He snorts as he runs a hand through my hair and answers,

"Smart for once. Even Adam who loves riding in the mud wanted to stay home too. They all wish that you will feel better soon though."

I nod before asking,

"So you told them I was with you?"

He nodded his head and spoke,

"Yeah, told them that the storm was really bad when we went to leave so you came here to wait it out but we fell asleep. I didn't tell them anything else since I didn't know what we were exactly nor if you'd want to tell them yet."

I smile slightly at how thoughtful he really was, I curled up to him even more as I say,

"I have no idea what we are, but we are definitely more than friends at this point. And when we do figure out what we are we can tell them then if you want."

He hummed in agreement and we lapse into silence and watch tv. At some point I must have fallen asleep because next thing I knew it was lunch time and I smelled food. Sitting up slowly I noticed I was shaky, but that was most likely because I had gone 24 hours without food and had gotten sick. Carefully I get up and slowly make my way to the kitchen to see Chase shirtless making something. But I couldn't take my eyes off of him, it was like I had been frozen. He turned around and my mouth went dry as he noticed me and smiled. Somehow snapping myself out of it I walk to him and he wraps me up in his arms pressing me to his bare chest and asks,

"How was your nap babygirl?"

I blink at the nickname and blush slightly and say,

"Good, I feel ok I guess. Just tired and hungry now."

He kissed the top of my head and reached behind him for something. I feel something tap my head and I look up to see a plate of food, my eyes widen slightly and I stupidity ask,

"Is that food?"

He laughs and nods his head as he hands it to me. Taking it I see it's a grilled cheese and tomato soup. I grin and take the plate and kiss his cheek in thanks, and walk to the bar to sit down and eat. He joins me and we just talk about anything and everything as we ate. We just layed around for the rest of the day, which is something we hardly ever get to do. That night as I was falling asleep on the couch after a shower I felt Chase pick me up and carry me upstairs, but I was too tired to do anything but lean my head on his shoulder. After entering his bedroom and laying me down on his bed and laying down next to me I curl onto my side facing him. As we fall sleep that night, I couldn't help but feel like all was right in the world finally. And I couldn't wait for what was next.

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