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Sarah POV:

As we reach his house and pull into his garage we jump out and I rush around the truck but as I reach him he scoops me up into his arms and picks me up bridal style and carries me up to his room. He lays me down and kisses me softly while nibbling on my lip gently making me open my mouth slightly for him to enter. He traced every corner of my mouth as I slightly scratch the back of his head at the base of his neck. He growled into my mouth as pulls back slightly and started kissing down my chin and neck to my chest. My breath hitches in my chest as his hands slip under my shirt and my bra cupping my breast. I whimper and move my hands down and under his shirt and moved my hands back up and pulled him closer to me. Tilting my head back I squirm slightly and arch my back up off the bed and breathlessly mumble,

"Chase, stop teasing me please."

He stops what he was doing and looks up at me and the look on his face sends a shiver down my spin and the breath to leave me. He sits up and brings me up with him, he slowly takes my shirt off and I take his off just as slowly. He reaches behind me and takes off my bra letting the cool air hit my chest making me shiver. He's hands travel down my sides and to my butt and grips it while lifting me to my knees. He slips my shorts and underwear off it one moment causing me to want to cover myself as his eyes roam my whole body from head to toe. This was the first time a guy had seen me naked before and I was already highly insecure about how I looked. But he eyed me hungrily making my lower stomach catch on fire making me whimper out,

"I think you need to take your pants off too, you have way to much still on."

His eyes darken and he takes his off while never breaking eye contact with me. He leans forward and starts kissing me lovingly as he lowers us back down onto the mattress. He slowly enters a finger inside me curling it and pumping it slowly. I open my mouth and say,

"Chase, more please!"

He kisses my forehead and slips another finger into me making me squirm and move my hips as he huskily mutters into my ear,

"Trust me, I want you just as much as you want me. But I'm going slow so I don't hurt you. Next time you will get to set the pace, I promise ok?"

I see the gentle look in his face and my face softens as I mumble out,

"Ok, that's probably a good idea anyways. But don't go any slower, it feels way to good."

He nods and gives me a soft kiss and adds another finger which stung a bit. After a bit of stretching me it didn't hurt at all. All I felt was pure pleasure.  I was lightly clawing at his back and meowing while rocking my hips. Finally he pulled out and mutters,

"I'm surprised you have lasted this long. Most people who are virgins don't."

I look at him with my chest heaving and I could feel the sweat on my skin and barely get out,

"Oh trust me I almost have a few times. But I wanted to wait for you."

He groaned and buried his face into the crook of my neck and mumbles,

"Shit Sarah, that almost sent me over."

I smirk and lightly bite his ear lobe and mutter,

"Then hurry up, I'm ready when you are."

He lifted his head and laid his forehead on mine as he slowly entered me. And it hurt pretty bad at first and I kept telling myself it will go away and it will be amazing. After about a minute I give him a nod and he slowly starts moving. The faster he went the more stars I was seeing. The pool in my lower stomach contracts violently as I couldn't hold it anymore. As I went over the edge it makes him go over as well. He falls on top of me while still inside of me as we breathe heavily, I lift my shaking arms up and wrap them around him and kiss his cheek as he kisses the side of my neck. My mind was fuzzy with the high still as all I could say was,

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