Busted already

264 6 7

Sarah POV:

At 6 in the morning my phone goes off like normal, reaching over and shutting it off and going to get up only for a arm to tighten around my middle and pull me back under the blankets. I laugh as I see the outline of Chase wrapped up like a burrito in the blankets. He pouts and says,

"No, it is to damn early. We don't have to be there till 9:30, so I command you join me in this wonderful blanket burrito I have made with the million blankets you have on your bed."

 I snort and let myself relax into him and fire back,

"I do not have a million, I have nine thank you very much. And I have thirteen pillows, as you can never have enough pillows. But we really do have to get up soon, traffic is horrible if we leave after 8:15."

He just groans and holds me closer making me give in and snuggle back. We lay there in a haze of sleep till 7:20 when I made him get up to get ready to leave. Rushing around trying to get dressed and eat something before dragging him out the door. He was way to sleepy still so I took his keys from him and shoved him towards the passenger side making him pout as he climbed in. Quickly backing out and getting on the road as a song that I liked started playing I started singing without noticing making Chase look at me with a small smile. As we were almost halfway to the track I look over and see Chase was fast asleep making me smile. I couldn't help but think about how much had changed, with the team now always including me, and helping me come out of my shell and be more like I was. I felt more confident then I had in years, and it was all thanks to them. But the one who had recently made me feel pretty even maybe beautiful was this man sleeping next to me. As I stop at a stop light I fully look at him and reach over to brush some of his hair off his forehead gently. I lightly trace the scar under his lip from Daytona, and I recall how worried I was when I saw the blood on his jersey as he pulled off the track. And then I recall how mind numbing terrified I was when he kissed the motor Arlington. I look forward as the light turns and take off, unknowingly to me Chase had woken up when we stopped and now was looking at me with understanding. The emotions clear as day on my face seeing as I thought no one else could see them. As we reach closer to the track Chase sits up and says,

"Pull over right up there, I wanna do something real fast."

Blinking at him in confusion but I do as he asks and pull over. Once I did he lightly grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss, it takes me a minute to respond but I do. After a few minutes of just light kisses we pull away a bit and he mumbles,

"Sorry, I just had to get a few more since I wouldn't be able to once we get there."

I smile and kiss him again and softly say,

"Once we have a date down in the books we won't have to hide anymore."

He nods as he remembers our convo last night, about that even though I had agreed to be his girlfriend I still just wanted one date before it became public. And he understood luckily enough. We both sit back and I get back on the road again and reach the track, turning in I look around like I always do, because this place is a absolute dream for anyone that loves to ride. And I couldn't believe that I got to work at a place like this. I hear a laugh next to me and I shot him a mocking glare that only made him laugh more. As I pull in and put the truck in park I hop out and head inside with a pout on my face as he follows me with a grin. But I stop as I notice everyone was staring at us in shock. It made me want to curl back into myself and hide like I use to. Unknowingly to me Chase noticed how I was reacting and worriedly frown and asks,

"Hey, why's everyone staring at us? It's making her uncomfortable."

I duck my head slightly and look at the ground. Everyone's eyes went wide and then looked at Chase. Adam spoke up,

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