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Sarah POV:

It had been 2 months since I found out I was pregnant with twins, and we had gotten better with dealing with my separation anxiety. Actually our friend Adam has helped a lot with that, he would come over to be with me when Chase was at training. The only time I was alone was a day a week when he has to go race. He would fly out at 3 or 4 in the morning and be back by midnight, and it wasn't ideal, and while it was rough we managed. But even though we were doing the best we could my stress levels were still extremely high. So we are just keeping a eye on everything as much as we could and having 2 week check ups.

Right now Chase was at training and I was curled up to Adam on the couch as we watched a movie. I was so thankful that he was changing his own training times to be with me, and Chase and I had already talked and made him the godfather of our twins, even if we hadn't told him yet. I blink sleepily and I mumble,

"I'm hungry but I have no idea what even sounds good, nothing we have here sounds even edible to me. Stupid damn pregnancy for messing up my tastebuds."

He looks up at the ceiling in thought before looking down at me and saying,

"What about running out and grabbing something to bring back? We could go anywhere you want."

I tilt my head to the side as I think about what sounded good, and I grin and say,

"Chipotle, and I know you'd be down for that."

He grins and gets up, turning around to help me up too. Even though I was only 4 months pregnant I looked almost 6, and let me tell you growing pains had nothing on growing 2 babies inside of you. Once I was up we quickly grabbed our shoes and and were out the door. On the way there I placed our order so when we pulled in he just ran in and grabbed it. The whole trip only took about 20 minutes and we were back home on the couch eating. I was so hungry I ate a bowl and a burrito, luckily I stopped myself from eating Chase's lunch that I had gotten him for when he got home. Right as I finished my laptop lit up with a few emails, I try and bend to grab it but I couldn't. Adam reaches over and grabs it and while handing it to me he was grinning, I just pout as I take it and start reading all the numbers and photos from today with the team. I quickly start working on it so I could get it done before he got home. Even though I was staying at home I was still doing my job, and I loved and so incredibly thankful that the team was working with me so I could keep my job.

Before I knew it I was just finishing up when he walked in the door. I quickly wrap everything up and submit it as I look up as he walks in the room. I beam up at him as I struggle to stand up, making Adam help me with a laugh. I smile at him in thanks as I waddle to him and I'm pulled into his arms. I sigh as for the first time since he left this morning I felt completely relaxed and comfortable again. Adam makes it way easier but never nearly as much as Chase, he makes all my problems melt away. I nussle my face into his chest as he says,

"Well hello to you too, careful baby you're wearing your glasses. Wouldn't want you to break them now."

I snort and curl up even more to him, shortly after Adam takes off to go train himself as I'm brought back to the couch and pulled into his lap. I could smell shampoo making me grin as I remember about a month ago my sense of smell got heightened and being sweaty wasn't good. Actually the moment I caught a whiff of it I hurled all over the counter in the kitchen. So now he always showers at the gym before coming home to me, and even if it takes him a bit longer it's worth it. His hand rests on the side of my bump and started kissing my collarbone. I bit my lip as his other hand slips in between my legs and started to rub me through my leggings. I breathlessly whisper,

"Someone is eager, why? I look like a fucking whale."

He stops everything he was doing pulls back slightly as he moves his head so he could look at me. He brings up a hand and cups my jawline and whispers,

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