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Sarah POV:

The next morning as we wake up and get ready to head to the track I couldn't help but get a feeling something was going to happen. I didn't know if it was going to be good or bad but something definitely was, I hadn't ever gone against my gut when it tells me something like it is now. As the day gets rolling everything was normal, well as normal as the last round of supercross can be anyways. The whole team was doing amazing and making my job pretty easy so I was able to just enjoy it all. I was so damn excited when Jett won and Hunter got 3rd, I was pulled into a hug by their dad before we ran down and he hugged them as I took photos for the media page. As we all went and sat down to watch the 450 main the gut feeling came back ten fold making me grab Jetts arm as the gate drops making him look at me and see the worry. About half way through Cooper Webb had caught back up to him and in a left hand turn slammed into him making me stiffen. Luckily Chase didn't go down but I could tell he was riding different and my heart dropped to my stomach as I knew he was hurt. He somehow managed to keep going and get 2nd, as he crossed the checkered flat I sagged in relief that it was over. But I quickly jumped up and ran back down to the track and got there in time to see him limp himself off his back and favor his right leg. I stop and hang back as I could see how pissed he really was even if he was hiding it. As he gets interviewed I hold my hands to my chest in worry, I knew it couldn't be anything serious but I couldn't help it. When he got hit it scared me, I could see it coming a mile away and it was like it happened in slow motion. I knew at that moment from just how strong my feelings were that I didn't just love him, I was in love with him. Even though we had never said that to each other yet I knew I did without a shadow of doubt, and I really hoped he did too. As he climbed down the stairs I walk up to him and place a arm around his waist. He just shakes his head as he puts a arm around my shoulders as we make the slow walk back. I supported half his body weight smoothly because I had a feeling he didn't want the other teams to know he was hurt, again. And I completely understood so I did as much as I could to help him hide it. But even as we got to the rig and he got cleaned up and even on the way to press he hadn't said a word to me. It made me sad but at least he wasn't pushing me away, and he was probably just upset with what Webb had done so I left it alone. But when we got to the hotel and he still hadn't said anything to me and I had had enough. I walked up to him as he walked out of the bathroom in a pair of sweats and tried to kiss him, but he just pulled away. My heart hurt as I was confused as he just brushed by me and went to the bed. I stood there for a second before going to take my own shower lost in my thoughts. When I came out all the lights were off and he had his back to me. My eyes stung as I hesitated to crawl under the covers with him. I take and place my glasses on the nightstand as I curl up into a ball as far as I could from him as the tears start to fall silently.

The next 2 days back home were spent that way, but when he came back from his doctor's appointment he looks so upset that I temporarily forgot about him keeping me at arms length that I just hugged him. I felt him stiffen under my arms before he broke out of him and mutters,

"Just leave me alone already, can't you just stop trying to hang off of me already?"

I stepped back as if struck as I look at him in shock as he turns away and heads upstairs limping all the while. I frown as I glance at the papers he had laid down and see he had pulled his left hamstring and strained his knee. But the doctor had ordered for just a bit of time off the bike so it wasn't to bad. I felt some relief but I couldn't understand why he was pushing me away. The next few days were spent with me tip toeing around him in fear of him getting even more grumpy with me then he already was. But as we were eating dinner I got the guts to ask,

"Chase, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?"

He just rolled his eyes as he stabbed some food onto his fork and mumbles,

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