Clingy, crying, and more sickness

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Sarah POV:

I wake up that Friday to my stomach once again trying to exit my body. I squeeze my eyes shut and I hopelessly try and make the feeling go away. I felt a hand lay on my lower stomach and a thumb rubs circles trying to help. I thickly swallowed as I sat up and laid my head in my hands as I breathe shallowly but it wasn't going away. Without warning my stomach lurches violently making me sprint to the bathroom, almost tripping on a pair of shoes. I didn't make it to the toilet but I managed to make it to the sink. I vaguely register his arm come around my waist to keep me up and a hand rub my back up and down. Luckily it didn't last long but my head was spinning from it still. I wash out the sink and rinse my mouth out before standing up and mumble,

"Shit sucks man."

He blinked before busting out laughing, as I couldn't help but giggle with him. I turn around and hug him around his waist as he arms go around my shoulders as I was hit with a wave of random sadness. I bit my lip as it started to quiver as the thought of him having to leave ran through my head. I shake my head and kiss his neck before pulling away and going to make him some food. I could feel his eyes on me till I left the room, and the whole time I was cooking I was shaking ever so slightly with suppressed emotion. I look down as he comes in dressed for the day and I hand him his plate silently. I was getting so frustrated with myself that I couldn't even look at him without feeling like clinging to him and or crying. As he finished up and took his dishes to the sink, he spins around and pulls me to him with one hand and make me face him with his other and worriedly asks,

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you so quiet and not looking at me?"

I start shaking as I started crying,

"I am feel like if I look at you I won't be able to let you go and it's making me sad and fuck! I'm sorry, I'm trying to deal with it but it hurts."

His eyes soften with understanding as he gently kisses me. I push forward and kiss him back as the tears fall faster, as I knew he had to leave soon and I hated it. I pull away and nearly sob out,

"Go, I'll be fine. It's just hormones and they suck ass. You do what you have to do and I'll see you when your done."

He looked worried as he says,

"I can miss one day love, it wouldn't make or break anything. If you and our baby need me I'm staying."

As much as I wanted him to stay I knew he had to go so I shook my head with a watery smile and whisper,

"Go kick the tracks ass like I know you will, we will be ok I promise. And I will have you back with me soon and get to go see our little one for the first time so yes, go to work baby."

He pauses before sighing and kissing me lovingly before whispering against my lips,

"Call me when you need me, I don't care what the reason is ok? Don't suffer if you don't need to."

I nod before playfully pushing him back as I get choked up and mumble,

"I will, now get out of here fool!"

He gives me a mocking salute before leaving. As soon as I see his truck take off I fall down to the ground sobbing. I rest a hand on my stomach as another covers my mouth to try and keep the noise to a minimum. I had no idea how long I sat there but my back was killing me. Either way I didn't feel like my heart was being ripped out of my chest anymore so I'd take some back pain. I carefully get up and start doing chores around the house to try and distract myself but I still felt hollow. It was at lunch time that I started crying again and this time I couldn't stop. I curled up into a ball on the couch and I cried till I passed out.

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