The media out break

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Sarah POV:

It had been almost 2 months since that whole deal went down, and it has been amazing. We have gotten even closer to the point I was practically living at his house with him and using my apartment for a get away. And of course I told him if he wanted me around as much as he does which meant 24/7 then Babe had to come over too. So now he is a cat dad and its hilarious how she has him wrapped around her finger. I was currently waiting on dinner to finish as I watch them play in the living room when the thought crossed my mind about how or when he wanted to tell everyone he was taken, because seeing all these girls comments online kinda pisses me off. I blink when the oven beeps at me making me shut it off and pull out the fish and veggies and place it on the stove. As I turn back around to grab the plates Chase was already there handing me one. With a smile in thanks I quickly load the plates up and we had to the couch to eat. As I take a bite I bring up what I was thinking earlier,

"So, no pressure or rush or anything like that but when do you think we can stop keeping everything on the down low? Like I just want to be able to say I'm proud of my man like everyone else can ya know?"

He swallows the food in his mouth and says,

"We can do that whenever you want to, I was just waiting till you were ready. Seeing as soon as we post we are together people are going to hound you, and I didn't want you to be upset or anything."

My eyes soften as I say,

"I'm ready when you are, because I think you are worth a bit of discomfort. Plus the hype will die down and I will get use to as time goes on."

He smiles and rest his head on my shoulder and says,

"Well after dinner we should go chill in the pool and announce it then."

I lay my head on his and hm in agreement. As we finish and clean up we head upstairs to get our swimsuits on and head back down. Unknowingly to me as I walk to the edge of the pool he takes a photo of me with the sunset in front of me. He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses my temple as I smile. I turn my head and look at him while asking,

"So how we going to do this ol' wise one?"

He snorts as he shows me the photos he just took along with one of him asleep on my shoulder from last week when he made me watch a movie only for him to fall asleep. I loved that photo because it made him look so young and carefree. I look back at the first one and see everything I hated, even if he sees things completely different. But I had to admit it was a pretty photo, so I nod as he starts to create a Instagram post but wouldn't let me read it. As he went to post it he paused and quietly asks,

"Are you sure your ready for everyone to be in your business? I'm not saying that because I don't want to now, I want to show everyone the amazing girl I got by my side but I'm just worried."

I nod with a smile and say,

"I'm as ready as I will ever be, so post it ya big dork."

He rolls his eyes with a smile as he posts it. I take a deep breath as almost immediately my phone starts blowing up. I look at it with wide eyes as Chase huffs a laugh and says,

"Welcome to my world princess."

I blink as I open my phone and go to the post and see the two photos he showed me and what he posted with it made a soft smile appear on my face. It said,

"This beautiful woman has been apart of my team for almost 3 years now, and now shes apart of my everyday life and I couldn't be more grateful. She is the most amazing, kind, funny, talented, yet extremely sarcastic girl I have ever met, and I'm so glad I get to call her mine, my princess."

My throat starts to close up slightly as I drop my phone on the table, spin around and slam my lips onto his. The kiss instantly deepened and neither of us could tell you who, just that it took no time at all. I pull away slightly already breathing heavy and say,

"Why don't we try the pool? Might be fun."

He smirked as he nuzzled his face into the side of my neck and ask,

"Are you sure?"

I nod as a light moan slips past my lips and I whisper,

"You have gone without since our first time to respect me. I'm ready, and I kinda always wanted to try having sex in a pool."

His bites a little harder then normal which makes me jump with a small gasp. He mumbles against me skin,

"Who knew you had a kinky side, I look forward to learning more about that."

I snort before I was picked up and taken into the water where for the next few hours we messed around like we were making up for lost time. The next day we head off to the airport to fly out to the next race. I was currently glaring at Chase as he just smiles back, I had major back pain from last night and I just know he was extremely proud of that fact. My lower back hurt so bad that I willingly took painkillers which I never do. I silently groan as I lean over and press a hand to my lower back and mutter,

"Stop looking all smug and let me lean up against you already."

His eyes soften slightly as he moves a bag from the seat next to him and helps me up and sit back down. I immediately lean into his side with a sigh as he starts to rub my back gently and mumbles,

"Damn, your back really is tense. I'm sorry for being that rough with you."

I snort and lean on him even more as I bring up my legs and lay them over his thighs and say,

"Yeah it hurts but believe me when I say it was really worth it. But I swear if you let that get to your head I will never let you touch me again!"

I could feel him nodding his head as he lays a arm across my legs and says,

"Got it, I will never gloat about blowing your back out."

I lightly slap his chest with a giggle and we just stay that way till they call us to board. I stand up slowly and grab my bag and wrap a arm around his waist and lean into him. His arm holds me to him securely as we show our tickets and walk onto the plane and settle into our seats. I lean back and try and get comfortable the best I can as everyone else loads up and sits down. I must have been tired because next thing I knew I was being gently shaken awake but Chase,

"Hey time to wake up princess, we're about to land."

I nod and just continue to lay on his shoulder and intertwine our fingers together and softly ask,

"Not that I mind but where did the nickname princess come from all of a sudden?"

He starts to rub my knuckles as he answers,

"Because you are my princess, at least till you wear a crown."

I blink as I try and catch his meaning but then it hit me, and my face went red as a smile appeared on my face. I snuggle into his side and bring our hands up and kiss the back of his hand making him squeeze mine back. Once we land and get off we grab our bags and meet up with some of the other riders to head to the hotel almost everyone was staying at. But as we walk up to them with me still leaning into him they start wolf whistling at us making me laugh with a red face and curl into his side some more. And I knew that even though everyone now knew, that they will be teasing us, that they would never make me feel like I didn't belong. And I had finally found my spot in this life.

Take that to everyone who doubted me.

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