You have got to be kidding me

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Sarah POV:

It had been 2 months since I came home from the hospital and I was exhausted. Working, taking care of the house, being a new mom to twins, and just dealing with my normal problems had me drained. But Chase had been so supportive and amazing through all of this. When he was home he was always helping out in any way he could, and at night would help me relax by either running a bath, rubbing the knots out of my back, or just holding me. Ever since I had given birth I couldn't stand being touched in that way. Which my doctor said was completely normal and happens more then what is known. As I was finishing up dinner I heard a cry, and groaned as I knew it was my daughter. She would start being fussy and not letting me feed or do anything to her if Chase was away from her for more than 4 hours.

I sigh and sit down the knife and turn the stove down to not burn the food and head to the twins room. I walk in and see Liam looking at me with a look that says I swear if she don't stop mom. I couldn't help but snort as he definitely got his looks from me, as I go and pick her up and try and get her to calm down to no avail. I try bouncing her but she just kept crying, and while I was glad she wasn't wailing and screaming, it still breaks my heart that she is crying. I hear sniffing and my head snaps over and I see Liam's eyes filling with tears. My heart drops as I rush over and pick him up to, and luckily he calms down and his eyes close. I sigh as he falls back asleep, and carry them both into the livingroom and place him on some blankets on the floor. I stand up and just stand there for a minute with my eyes closed before sighing and going back to working on dinner. It was hard trying to do anything while holding a baby, let alone chopping up salad stuff.

A half an hour passes and nothing I did would calm her down, and I was about ready to break down and cry. But suddenly Kylie was taken out of my arms making my head snap up from where I was letting in hang as I leaned back onto the fridge. I relax as I see it was Chase and that our baby girl was now giving gummy smiles and happy as could be in her daddy's arms. I lay my head back against the fridge and let my eyes closed as I fight against just falling asleep. I felt someone walk up next to me before I was picked up and carried to the couch. But I curled up into the arm's holding me so he sat us down together. I sigh as the smell of Adam's soap fills my nose and I hide my face into his chest. I just wanted to sleep for the next 12 hours but I knew I couldn't, so I whisper,

"Hey, just give me a few minutes and I'll be ok I promise."

I feel him start to rub my back as he kisses my hair and says,

"Take as long as you want, we can hold down the fort for a few minutes."

I grinned as I let me eyes flutter closed and I just breath, and it felt amazing to just let go for a little while. When I could feel like my eyes wouldn't reopen is when I forced myself to sit up. I slid off Adam's lap and stretched before standing up. I smile at him in thanks before kneeling down and picking up my son. He starts giggling as I pepper his face with kisses and it melts my heart into a puddle of goo. I turn my head and see Chase walking up behind me with Kylie in his arms still. She was fast asleep, but knowing she hadn't had a afternoon nap it wasn't a surprise to me. I brush some hair out of her face and whisper,

"She is definitely attached to you, she would not sleep, eat, or want anything to do with me. She just wants you."

He must have heard the slight sadness in my voice as he kissed my temple and whispers,

"Hey she loves you too, she just has good taste just like her mama."

I couldn't help but snort as I hear Adam start chucking as well. I grin up at Chase and mutter,

"Well I must have not been wearing my glasses. And her eyes aren't fully developed yet so, you might wanna stop saying that."

His jaw drops and Adam loses it in laughter, and I just smile at Chase in fake innocence. He narrows his eyes and leans down and whispers in my ear so only I can hear,

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