Marriage bliss

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Sarah POV:

It had been 2 months since we had gotten married and everything had been amazing. Yes there are still days were either of us got sad and cling to each other over our lost but we are healing. Currently we were curled up on the couch with my back to the back of the couch and half laying on top of him as he was on his back. There was a really bad storm hitting us at the moment so we were just relaxing as we listen to the rain hitting the windows. He was lazily running a hand through my hair as I was leaving softly kisses on his neck and jaw. I was glad that today we couldn't do anything because I had woken up not feeling well. I didn't even bother to hide it from Chase because I had promised to never hide anything like that from him ever again. I had a slight fever, felt achy and even pretty nauseous. I had felt a bit sick to my stomach on and off for the past week or so, so he had given me some cold meds and that had helped a lot. Now I was just tired and had a slight headache so we were just laying there enjoying a rare day off. I sigh as I open my eyes and pick my head up to see him already giving me a soft smile. I smile back and whisper,

"I'm getting hungry, are you?"

He chuckles and nods as he whispers back,

"Yeah I could eat. You got anything in mind already?"

I grin and say,

"Grilled cheese with pickles is what I want."

He gives me a weird look and softly says,

"Sarah you hate pickles unless there deep fried or just on their own. Are you ok?"

I blink and frown while I mutter,

"I mean yeah, I got a cold but other then that I'm fine. I am just really craving-"

I freeze as was going on with me from the past week to today, from cold like symptoms to the cravings click in my head. I sit up and look at the wall wide eyed as my heart starts pounding wildly. I know I had to be pale as Chases face appears in front of mine looking worried. I stutter out,

"Chase, what if, what if I'm pregnant again?"

He goes still before wrapping me up in his arms as I start to shake. While yes we both want to have kids, I just wasn't ready yet, it was just to soon. I curled into him as suddenly my upset stomach was back and worse than earlier. He tucks my head under his chin as he holds me tightly as I try and fight off a panic attack. As I slowly calm down and pull back slightly but he doesn't drop his arms from being around me. I rest a hand on my stomach and look up at him and say,

"I think I'm going to go take a test. I have to know now that the idea is in my head."

He nods and stands up with me and says,

"I'm coming with you, your not going to do any of this alone ever again ok? I'm am always going to be here."

I felt some of the tension in my body relax a bit as I nod and head towards our bathroom. I open my drawer the hold all my female stuff and pull out 2 tests and lay them on the counter and stare. I shakily open them and turn towards Chase with a small smile and whisper,

"Uh, I know you said your not going anywhere but can I pee on this stick in peace?"

He blinks as his cheeks turn slightly pink as he nervously chuckles and leaves the room. I shake my head as I do my business and wash my hands before walking out of the bathroom and straight into his arms. We stand there for 5 minutes before I mumble,

"The test should be done by now, but I don't wanna look."

He kisses the top of my head and rubs my back as he starts us walking towards the bathroom with me backwards. We stop at the sink and he whispers,

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