Hurting, the other view

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Chase POV:

I wake up the morning of the last supercross to a heartwarming sight. Sarah was curled up around a pillow facing me with her hair draped over her shoulders. Her mouth was slightly parted as soft steady breaths leave it. I lift a hand and tuck some loose hair behind her ear and lightly trace the scar on her face. I know and understand why she still hates it and is self conscious about it but it just shows shes gone through hell and survived. I lean forward and kiss her forehead lovingly before getting up and tucking her back in so she would still be comfortable. As I walk around and get ready for the day I hear a noise making me look over my shoulder to see she sitting up and stretching. I smile as the sheets fall down onto her lap showing her in one of my shirts as her arms went over her head. I walk over to her and reach her right as she opens her eyes as she smiles up at me and says,


I smile back and lean down to press a kiss onto her lips and mumble,

"Morning princess, how did you sleep?"

Her face turned slightly pink as she pressed her lips back to mine as she softly says,

"I slept pretty good actually, and you?"

My smile grew a bit at hears she actually slept well for once, the poor girl had a hard time sleeping a lot. I sit down on the edge of the bed and lean forward so both of my hands rested on the mattress by her hips and I say,

"Amazing as always with you laying next to me."

Her face flushed a deeper pink as she ducked her face and her hair covered it. She mutters,

"Such a charmer this morning, any reason for that now?"

I grinned as I get up and say,

"Nope! Just felt like it! Now it's time to get up and get ready."

I turn around as she groans and falls back into the bed and whines,

"But I'm comfy, so come back to bed with me."

A huge part of me wanted to listen to her and just snuggle with her all day long but we both had jobs to do. So I walk over to her and bend down while picking her up making her squeal in surprise and cling to me so she didn't fall. I start chuckling as I headed to the bathroom as she tries to hide her face into my neck as her limbs tighten around me. I sit her down in front of the sink as I pick up her hair brush and start brushing it out. She sighs with a small smile as she grabs her toothbrush and starts brushing her teeth. I finish her hair and kiss her temple before going to get our backpack ready for the day. I couldn't help but notice she was a bit quieter than normal this morning. Normally she would be playing music as she gets ready and dancing around. But I just brushed it off as she came out and grabbed a pair of shorts and a team honda polo. She takes off my shirt to show her just in her underwear making me bite my lip and turn away and try to busy myself so I didn't pounce on her.

Before I knew it we were at the track and doing our thing, the whole day ran smoothly till the end of the main. When Webb did a dirty move and slammed into me almost taking me clean out. My leg throbbed but I managed to get a second out of it luckily. I was so pissed that I let it happen, let a win get taken from me yet again. I never let that shit fly on the 250s and I couldn't figure out why I was being like this now. My interview went by in a blur and before I knew it Sarah was there next to me placing an arm around my waist to help me. I just shake my head as I lay a arm over her shoulders and get lost in my thoughts. I was so pissed at not only Webb but mostly myself that I was giving her the silent treatment. When we finally got back to the hotel I just went and took a shower so I could get off my leg and rest. Coming out I see her standing there looking determined then she walked up to me and tired to kiss me but I pushed her away. As I walked around her I saw her face and the confusion and hurt that covered it and I could feel guilt start to creep in. But before I could turn around and apologize she had already entered the bathroom. I sigh as I run a hand through my hair and turn the lights off and lay down. I was woken up 15 minutes later by her crawling into bed but instead of curling up to me or laying right next to me she was as far away as she could be. I look over my shoulder slightly and I swear her shoulders were shaking ever so slightly but I couldn't be sure. But I just turn my head back around and close me eyes.

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