The aftermath

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Chase POV:

The next few days were spent in silence and tears. Sarah hadn't said a word to anyone, she was dead silent and no matter what I did she just wouldn't talk. And it was killing me to see her falling into the darkness and I was terrified I was going to lose her, to come home and find her dead. She wasn't eating hardly, she wasn't sleeping unless I slip melatonin in what little food she would eat. And I hated to do that to her but she needed rest or she herself will be in the hospital. We were laying in bed together after I had gotten out of the shower and she was limp in my arms and staring at my shirt. I could see the sadness in her eyes as she started to shake, I pulled her on top of me as she started to cry. My eyes weld up as her silent sobs rip through her, I bury my face in her soft hair as the tears leak out. It hurt so bad to know I could have been a dad yet it was to late when I found out. I blame myself even more since she would still be carrying our baby if she wasn't in that crash, which I'm the reason she was in. I'm the reason she is going through so much pain and hell. I have hurt her so many times that I hated myself but yet she still stays and I have no idea why. I wish she would talk to me, and let me in but I don't blame her for not letting me in when I was the cause of all of this.

Over the next few weeks everyone was worried and asking me what was wrong with her. But I could never say it, I've still never said that I had lost a child, that we had lost our baby. When I wasn't busy at the track or at the races she was in my arms. I never wanted to let her out of my sight again, which I knew I have to at times but I couldn't help but worry the whole time. It was the final round of outdoors and my heart just wasn't in it. In the first moto I got 3rd but I should have won, I just didn't have the motivation to push like I normally would. I got the holeshot and won moto 2 for the overall but a rider behind me over shot the finish line and hit my back tire sending both of us flying. I hit the ground and groan as everything ached, but I could hear people running up to us and I see Sarah fall to her knees with tears rolling down her face as she finally opened her mouth and says,

"I'm sorry, oh god I'm sorry. Please be ok, I can't lose you too."

Her left hand was on her stomach as she subtly flinches and her right hand is touching my shoulder lightly. I sit up and rip my helmet off as I sit on my knees and bring her into a hug and whisper,

"Don't be sorry, I don't blame you in anyway. And I'm ok, I'm not going anywhere princess."

She nods as she pulls back and kisses me, and normally neither of us are big on PDA but this time neither of us cared that 1000s of people were watching. I hold her by her jaw firmly and I never wanted to let go. Without thinking I pull back slightly and quietly ask,

"Will you marry me?"

Her eyes went wide and her jaw drops as I realize what I had just said. Not that I would take it back, but I would have asked way differently. But before I could say that she nods before tackling me onto my back. I sit us up and somehow stand up with her placing her legs around my waist. I carry her onto the podium and she never let's go, and I don't either. And I really don't care what everyone else was thinking or saying about it all. I finally had her back fully to me, and she agreed to marrying me, that's all that mattered.

Later that evening as we got back to the hotel room Sarah spins around to face me with a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. She walks up to me whispers,

"Well, I've been thinking and I have a idea."

I gently rest my hands on her hips as she slides her hands around my neck as I raise a eyebrow with a smile. With a laugh she says,

"I think we should fly out to Vegas and elope. Neither of us are fond of people knowing our business and I'm still really timid, even more so now after... but if your up to it I'm down."

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