The Talk

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Chase POV:

As I walk upstairs with lunch for Sarah and I, I can't help but feel nervous. She's slowly getting better which I'm so happy and relieved about but at the same time it means a more in depth discussion about the whole shit show is going to happen.

I enter our bedroom and smile as I see her sitting up against the headboard breastfeeding the twins and say,

"I guess they knew it was time for lunch huh?"

She brushes a few hairs off of our sons forehead and sighs,

"I guess so, better to just talk about it and move on so we can get back to enjoying being parents to these two bugs."

A soft smile stretches across my face as I settle down on the bed next to her and offer her a bite of our sandwich. We quickly eat and get the twins settled for a nap before curling up on the bed facing each other. We were both at a loss as to how to start without hurting each other even more. As I go to try and say anything she softly says,

"Look, I know you were in shock, her just showing up and saying ridiculous things like that. I was taken back too, never did I think I'd hear those words come out of her mouth but I, we did. But it hurt me that you didn't at least stand by me, or even glance at me till I did something to catch your attention. I will fully admit I totally overreacted when she said about the twins might not be yours and you hesitating. You were completely overwhelmed and I made it way worse, and I am so so sorry Chase. So sorry."

I stare at her wide eyed as I realized she blamed herself for the whole situation between us. I quickly grabbed her hands and say,

"Baby no, do not blame yourself for all of this. You are completely right I should have been by your side the entire time. Yes I was confused, worried about what she had planned, angry she would dare do something like that to us, to you. I never doubted that our bugs were just that, ours. I was just wondering what the hell she had for "evidence" to stand by her claims, worried that others would have it as well. Please don't feel the way you do, please."

I saw her eyes get glossy before she leaned forward and gently lays her lips on mine before resting her forehead against mine. It was quiet for a minute before she mutters,

"I think we both can agree we didn't handle it the best way we could have and let it get out of control. Promise me if something crazy happens like that again just, just stand by my side?"

My entire heart melts at the love in her voice but also hurts at the thought that it almost sounds like she thinks she has to beg. I reach up and push some of her long hair behind her shoulder and whisper back,

"Forever and always will be by your side. I love you."

Her eyes brighten and the shadows that had been in them since that day disappeared. In a blink she's laying ontop of me knocking me onto my back causing me to let out a surprised sound making her giggle. Her and our twins laugh is the best sound I have ever heard, it would make even the harden of hearts thaw. I grin up at her before suddenly tickling her sides causing her to squeal in laughter and I join in. For the rest of the day we just lazyed around with cuddles from our kids and random tickle fights. It was how it was all meant to be in our little family.


It had been 3 weeks since we finally were at peace and everything had been amazing. The twins were sleeping more and more at night which was a blessing, and being able to hole their heads up and even sit up almost completely by themselves. I had left earlier then normal today to go to the track since they were calling for severe weather this afternoon and wanted to be back home before it hits.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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