The explanation and slow down

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Sarah POV:

I just look at him with no emotion showing even though inside I was a complete mess of emotions. Finally I sigh and close my eyes as I mutter,

"So let me get this straight, her name is Casey and shes your Ex? And she just randomly popped up today trying to get you back after she cheated on you? But if you are as over her as you say then why did you let her in? Why put up with her? Why did you let her, let her kiss you? Why didn't you kick her out after and come after me?"

I get slightly choked up towards the end as my eyes start to sting again. We were still standing in Jetts driveway which probably wasn't the best place to have this conversation but it worked. I gulp as he closes his eyes for a second before he softly says,

"Because at first she just asked if she could talk to me, and me being the stupid ass person I am I agreed. It wasn't till after we did the normal how have you been doings that she dropped that on me. It just happened when you came downstairs I promise, and it caught me completely off guard. She admitted after you ran back up the stairs that she knew you were there and kissed me to get you to back off. I was so mad I went off on her when I should have told her to leave and came after you. And I am so so so sorry for not doing just that."

I bite my lip as I look away from him thinking. I wanted to believe him and forgive him I really did, but a part of me was terrified of letting him back in only to be hurt again. After a few minutes I finally look back at him and see just how visibly upset he truly was and found myself believing him. But my walls were already partially up and it takes a while for them to come back down. So I sigh and whisper,

"I believe you, but I think maybe we should slow down for a while."

His eyes widen slightly before I see guilt and understanding enter his eyes making me give him a sad smile and softly say,

"I'm not saying I'm breaking up with you, not at all. But just keep it somewhat PG for awhile is all. Just keep it simple and take it slow is all I ask."

My heart skips a beat as his eyes light up and he nods in agreement with a smile. I smile back and he says,

"Thank you for believing me and taking me back. And again I am so sorry."

I nod then laugh lightly and say,

"Just so you know, you are going to tell me about every single one of your ex's now. Because every one of them so far hasn't been pleasant towards me."

I could hear Jett who had been silent up till now snort and mutter,

"Understatement of the year."

I snicker and Chase scratches the back of his neck with a nervous laugh and says,

"Yeah that's understandable, there's only two others but you don't have to worry about them. One was my first girlfriend when I was 13 and now she's bi and has a girlfriend now, and no Jett it wasn't because of me thanks. And the other is married."

I felt relief flood through me as I start giggling and teasingly ask,

"Are we completely sure about that now? Or is that just what you tell yourself to feel better?"

His jaw drops as Jett cracks up behind me making me start laughing as well. And before I knew it Chase had me in his arms and was tickling my sides making me giggle and try and get away. I look at Jett and get out in between giggles,

"Jett save me!"

I was reaching out to him only for him to to shake his hand and say,

"Your on your own this time girl. He looks like he means business."

My jaw drops as Chase starts laughing while dragging me back to his truck. I get a idea and suddenly go limp making him stumble, but before he could get his balance back I spun and broke his hold. His eyes widen as I start tickling him making him try and get away but I wasn't letting him. Finally after a minute I let up and let him breath, I look to see Jett just watching us with a smile and I run up to him and hug him and whisper,

"Thank you for being there for me. Your amazing."

He just hugged me back before letting go and pushing me towards Chase and says,

"Just go back to your man already girl, he's pouting."

I snicker and nod as I walk back to him I felt lighter again, and I couldn't help but shyly smile as I reach Chase. I look up at him and he smiles back as he goes to open the door for me. I climb and he shuts the door, but I see Jett say something that I couldn't hear but he looked serious. And Chase just nods his head and says something before climbing into the truck himself. I wanted to ask what that was about but decided against it. Jett had obviously waited till I couldn't hear so I will respect that, even though I really wanted to know. It was quiet on the way back till I softly say,

"I think it would be a good idea for me to go home tonight. It's not normal to be at your new boyfriends house as much as I have been. And I got work I have to get done anyways."

He frown for a minute before nodding with a sigh and says,

"If you think that's for the best and that's what you want to do I'm ok with it. Just know that my door is always open to you."

My eyes soften and I give him a small smile and say,

"I think it will be good to just go through this thing normally, seeing as I have never done anything like this before and all. And trust me I'd rather be with you then alone at home but being apart and doing our own thing is a good thing too. But thank you for understanding."

He looks over at me with a smile while grabbing my hand in his and says,

"Anything for you."

My heart skipped a beat as the smile grew on my face and I know I was probably beaming and looking like a dork but I didn't care. I mumble back,

"And the same to you."

As we pull in it was around 4 so he talked me into staying for dinner and then going home. But the longer I stayed the less willing I was to go home, but I knew I had too. As I was trying to leave Chase wouldn't let me out of his arms, and I really didn't want to either but I did have work to do and I missed my cat. I sigh and mutter,

"Look, I really need to get home if I don't wanna get home too late. And as much as I want to stay I need to go."

He whined and pulled my closer and sleepily says,

"But I don't want you to go, I don't want to let go."

My heart stutters and then speeds up making my face go pink and I squirm and whisper,

"I know, and I don't want you to either. I really really don't."

He nuzzled his face onto my hair and softly says,

"Then stay. It's too late for you to head home and me not worry about you falling asleep behind the wheel. So please stay so I can sleep with you in my arms."

I felt my strength start to leave me as I so badly wanted to stay but I mutter,

"But I miss babe. And I know she has to be going crazy with me gone so much lately."

He started lightly kissing the back of my neck and his one arm slips down low on my waist and pulls my hips into his firmly and his other right under my breast and locks me flesh to him. And I knew I had lost this time as I melted back into him. My eyes start to flutter closed as I realize just how tired I was. I wiggled around till I was facing him and curl into his chest with a sigh. He stretches his arm till his hand was laying on the side of my stomach and his thumb was rubbing small soothing circles. I almost mowed in content as I rub my nose into the side of his neck. And as we just laid there and fell asleep I knew that I had made the right choice in giving him another chance.

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