No, no way

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Sarah POV:

It had been 4 hours of on and off pain and I was so ready to just get them out of me already. I was almost ready to start pushing, and while terrified I was so ready to give birth and hold them. I was already exhausted from being in labor for almost 9 hours that I couldn't imagine what I would feel like afterwards. I looked over and see Chase asleep and leaning against the side of the bed while holding my hand in both of his. I had my other hand resting on my stomach as I rubbed it.

I look up as the door opens and see the doctor come in and smile while saying,

"Well let's see if you have gotten any close to being ready."

I nod and her quickly checks before saying,

"Well I will ask you this, do you have any feeling of having to push?"

I blink and I knew I had been feeling a lot of pressure down below, but when I focus on it I do feel like pushing. So I look up at her and nod, so she grins and says

"Good because it's time to get these babies into the word."

My eyes widen as I shakily nod and reach over and shake Chase awake. He sleepily blinks up at me, and with a smile I whisper,

"It's time sweetie, it's time to bring in our little beans to the world."

His eyes widen as he was suddenly wide awake. As all the doctor and the nurse get everything ready he leans over and kisses me. It was a kiss full of emotions and it made my toes curl, stomach tighten and my heart to melt. He kissed me like this could be our last, and it might very well be. But I shake that thought out of my head as he pulls away and cradles my face in his hands as he whispers,

"I love you, god do I love this life we have and will continue to create. Whatever you need during this I will try and do it to the best I can. I love you my princess, no my queen."

My eyes welled up in tears as I reach up and grab hold of his wrist and whisper,

"God do I love you too, so much. I can't wait to see what our future will hold for us and our little beans. And I will say sorry in advance for what I might yell out while giving birth. And I love you too, my king."

And before I knew it I was pushing and it was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. I was crying and cuss words were being whispered out as I was pretty much breaking his hand. It was a blur of pain till I hear a cry that wasn't mine, and the pain died down for a bit. While breathing heavily I open my eyes and see a tiny form in the doctor's arms as she cleans the baby up and lays my son on my chest. I look down at him in awe and shakily bring a hand up to him and softly stroke his back. I look up at Chase with wide eyes and a smile as he looks down at us in awe. He looks at me with a tearful grin and kisses me before lightly touching his son, our son. The nice family moment didn't last long as I felt a sudden burst of pain again and it was time to start pushing again. Our son was taken away by another nurse to get cleaned up and put in a incubator since he was so tiny, and had to be completely checked out.

Our baby girl was way more stubborn than her brother was, as she just didn't want to come out. Halfway through I fall back completely and utterly spent, and I didn't have the energy to do this anymore. I look up at Chase and mumble,

"I can't, I can't do it. Oh god it hurts so bad and I'm so so tired."

My eyes were going in and out of focus but I could see his eyes go wide before he whispers

"Baby you have to keep going, you have to bring our little girl into the world then you can rest for as long as you want. I will take care of everything, but baby I believe in you."

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