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Sarah POV:

A week has passed since I came home and the pain has died down a lot to the point it's just sore. But as that died down I noticed something wasn't right in my stomach, and my thoughts from a few days ago come back. I was laying in bed with his arm under my neck as he was peacefully asleep, and I knew he couldn't know what I was thinking. Because we have never talked about our future and I was scared. I felt something move in my stomach which brought a wave of uncertainty over me. I had felt empty like something was gone suddenly, almost like a part of me was numb. I bite my lip and decide right then and there that I was going to go get checked out and figure out what was going on. I got lost in thought for a while before his groan snapped me out of my head and I saw he was waking up. I compose myself as his eyes flutter open and he looks over at me and smiles. I force a smile back as I curl into him even if it made my shoulder ache. I dug my face into the hollow of his clavicle and bit my lip as I fought back my tears so he wouldn't see. He chuckled as he wraps his arms around and it felt like a security blanket and it clamed me down instantly. I sigh and throw a leg over his and just make sure there was no room in between us. But even then I had a hollowness inside of me that just wouldn't go away. I wanted to cry just from the frustration but I just force the thoughts out of my head. We just lay there in silence and it was like the calm before the storm for me, and I was going to savor every second of it I could.

After a bit we got up and got ready for the day, after he kissed me and left for training I got ready to head out myself. I grabbed my keys and walked to my rental car that my insurance company had gotten for me. Till it's all dealt with and I could get the money for a new truck. But I was scared to get in it, to drive again but I needed to do this. I slowly climb into the car and shut the door, taking a deep breath I start the car and close my eyes. I could feel the panic creeping in but I push it away and open my eyes as I pull out of the driveway. I got to the hospital with not to much fear which I counted as a win. I walk in and up to the desk and explain what was going on, and luckily they weren't busy so I got to go right back. I sit there and wait for the doctor to come in and help me figure out what could be wrong. I was fidgeting in nerves as he walks in and sits down in the chair in front of me and asks,

"So your here because something doesn't feel right in your abdomen, and your scared because you were in a car crash a week ago and it might be related to that, correct?"

I nod my head as I rest a hand on my stomach and say,

"Yeah, I didn't feel like this before the crash it was only after. And I waited a few days to see if it would go away but it didn't so I grew concerned."

He nods and looks down at my papers and says,

"Ok I understand why you would be concerned, we will run some blood work and do a ultrasound on your abdomen and see if we can't find out what's going on."

I nod with a smile as he leaves and a nurse enters to draw some blood. It was about 30 minutes later the tech came in to do the ultrasound. She looks at me as she was setting up and says,

"Ok I'm going to need you to lay back so your just barely sitting up and lift your shirt to your chest for me."

I nod as I lay back and rise my shirt as she pulls out the gel and puts it all over my stomach. I shudder ever so slightly at the feeling as she places the camera on my lower left part of my abdomen. She takes photo after photo for almost a hour, and the faces she was making ever so slightly maybe me scared because they were sad faces. My lower stomach towards the end was cramping up from the pressure she was using. But it wasn't much so it was a bit confusing to me. But as she was wiping me clean my stomach cramped hard enough for me to flinch and a hand to fly to it. I look at her in confusion and pain as she looked at me in sympathy, and I really didn't like that. But before I could ask her about it a nurse comes in and gives me some pain meds. I blink in shock at how she knew but she just smiles and says,

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