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Sarah POV:

After spending a day in the hospital because of my concussion I got released to go home. I was still in quite a bit of pain but I just wanted to lay in my bed and curl up to my cat and sleep. But I knew Chase was not going to let me out of his sights for a long time. This whole deal really shook him up, he was always there helping me with whatever he could and I loved him for it. I just hope when we got back to his place that he'd let me just sleep and he could do what he needed to do. As he helps me get into his truck and puts the seat belt on my stomach starts to roll. I close my eyes and anxiety starts to climb and form knots in my stomach and chest. As he climbs in to he could tell something was wrong with me immediately. But I just shake my head and reach out with my hand for his, and he grabs onto mine while giving it a squeeze. He just kept talking the whole time and we both knew I wasn't really paying attention to him. I just needed his voice so I could try and stay grounded and not freak out. The doctor had warned us that I could be scared about being in cars for a bit after so it wasn't a big surprise for this to happen.

By the time we got back to the house I was shaking in fear making me just about jump out of the truck to get away. I just stood there staring at the truck with wide eyes as Chase rushed up to me and pulled me into his chest gently. I squeeze my eyes shut and hide my face into the side of his neck as I started crying. He just held me as tight as he could without making my shoulder hurt even more than it was. I wasn't crying in fear or panic, I was crying because I was scared of something that I shouldn't be scared of. That now doing anything out of the house is going to make me feel this way, and I hated feeling weak. I forced myself to calm down and pull back slightly and try to give him a real smile but I just can't. I sigh as he looks at me with a soft look on his face as he kisses my temple and mutters,

"Why don't we go inside and have some ice cream while we just kick back."

I felt my lips twitch a bit at the sound of ice cream as I whisper,

"How bout ice cream and a nap, because sleeping in a hospital is pretty hard to do."

He gives me a grin as he leans down and pecks my lips as he says,

"That sounds even better."

We head inside as he grabs a bowl of ice cream and we go lay down in bed. I lean into him with my forehead resting on his collarbone softly as I whisper,

"When can I have more pain meds? Its starting to throb really bad."

He looked at his watch and mumbles,

"You got like 30 minutes till your next round, do you think you can make it or you need it now? 30 minutes isn't a big deal and all if you do."

I frown and think, because just the time from getting out of the truck to now it has started throbbing painfully. I bite my lip as I surpass a whimper as I shake my head. He kisses my hair line and gets up to go grab my med bottle before coming back to bed. I shakily take the pill from him as he pulls me into his side. I take it and lean against him as I slowly eat some of the ice cream. After a bit the pain started to die down as I finally started to relax and feel my eyes getting heavy. I blink lazily and mumble,

"Chase why don't you go do what you have to do, like go do some testing. I will be fine, I'm just gonna take a nap anyways."

I could see the hesitation in his eyes before he nods with a sigh. He kisses my forehead and helps me lay down completely before saying,

"I'm going to the track to get some laps in so I can clear my head. If you need me and I don't answer call dad or Jade ok?"

I nod with a sleepy smile as he kisses me then leaves. I sigh as I close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep.

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