Chapter 23

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Jimin didn't came back later that night. He spent rest of his night in his office. He was so angry at Y/N. He still couldn't believe what he had seen, heard and gone through that day. On other side, Y/N spent the whole night crying. Her whole preperation to surprise Jimin went all in vain. Plus his yells and hatred towards her made it worse. She didn't even know what was actually wrong with him. Whole night she hid her face in her knees and cried with the lovely but useless romantic decorations around her.


The condition of Jimin's business was quite unstable for a few weeks. He was struggling. Even though he still ranked first, it might go downwards in the next session. The big companies also posponded their collaboration projects due to some reasons. It was a bad time for his company and for him too. He couldn't even share his condition with his wife because she was his rival too no matter what you say and he couldn't afford to share the personal information of his company with any of his rivals. That's why he had to spend more of his times in his office and even sometimes he had to stay there at night too.

As for today, he was notified that their long time business partner Choi Industries have agreed to help and Mr. Choi and some of his assistance were coming for a meeting. Jimin was shocked and kind of happy too. He hoped this partnering might help. But what he didn't know, Mr. Choi was just taking a chance of his situation and backstabbled Jimin. Park & Park Industries was almost bankrupted. But thanks to Jimin's experience and skill, he somehow managed not to get bangrupted.

He was sitting inside his office alone with a frown on his forehead  and both hands on his face thinking hard of the situations and the ways of how to get rid of it.

Where the hell did it go wrong to turn the things this way???

He got up from his chair and walk out of the office room to clear his mind. He went to the coffee matchin and decided to take a coffee.

When he was about to approach the coffee matchin, he heard two workers talking. Usually he wouldn't bother, but hearing his wife's name from them made him stop in his tracks. They were whispering something about her.

"I am sure that Lee Y/N is behind all this. She has always been like this."

"She must be in this. After all she only looks at her profit. It wouldn't matter to her even if it's her husband. She is so selfish."

"Didn't you see her business was downwards last few monthes. So she must have planned all this."

"Yeah, or else what. Wasn't Mr. Choi her business partner for a long time? They altogether planned this."

"I heard that Choi was so whipped for Y/N. She must've done God knows what."

"Seriously why does she have to play so dirty? She didn't even leave her husband."

"Only for her, our company is almost bankrupted. How could they plan altogether to take us down!"

"You know what, I sometimes feel pity for boss. He's so handsome and such a gentleman. But just ended up with that witch. "

"Yeah, there was so many nice girls. He shouldn't have agreed to this marriage."

"I think he is forced into this. This might also be a plan of her. She is so dangerous and dirty."

"Uff.... I just hate her. For her, this company is ruined."

They were gossiping without knowing that there was a person standing nearing them at the turn of the wall and hearing all of their gossips. Jimin couldn't hear anymore. He turned around walking back to his office without taking his coffee. The gossips were still ringing in his head. Those gossips were making him more confused yet clearing up the situation. They obviously made sense.

So she just married me to attack me at the crucial point. She and Choi are good business partners. They obviously planned this of their own benifit. And she just pretended to be good with me all these days. Seriouslt how can I forget who we actually are!! How can I even think we can have a normal married life!!

After making up a whole new story in his head about his wife, he felt more suffocating. He went out of the office in order to take a walk on streets thinking he would feel better.

He was walking alongside the streets. He noticed a cafe beside and decided to enter. Just when he stepped a foot inside the cafe, a familiar laughter hit his ear. He looked at the direction only to see Y/N with Han Seojun. They looked happy and were laughing and smiling together. A wave of anger flooded through his body looking at the scene. He clentched his fist making the vains visible.

What are you doing here Y/N?? You met him secretly without letting me know. How many things are you doing behind my back?? What is your relationg with him? Why are you so happy with him? You never seem this happy when you're with me. Does he make you so happy and I can't?

He once again got interupted in entering. Seeing the scene in fromt, he didn'tknow what he was feeling. He was.... arngy, sad, annoyed, disturbed, stressed, frustrated and confused. The situation before in his office and the incident ge observed just now were making a wrong and false image of Y/N inside his head. He ran away from there.

End of flashback

Jimin suddenly got those flashback in his mind, and the way he reacted last night came to his mind. He couldn't help but hate Y/N even more.


(A/N: Have a good day.)

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