Chapter 27

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Jimin was looking at the computer monitor without blinking. Just looking, not seeing or reading anything. His mind was somewhere else. Since this morning he could only think about the incident at home.

Life definitely wasn't easy on him. He's making mistakes one after another. And he didn't have any idea how to solve them. Everything was going pretty fine. How did I end up loke this! He thought.

The ring he got this morning, was displayed in his finger. He was looking at it and playing with it time to time and couldn't help but fascinate with its beauty even more.

How can I mess everything up like this. From when did I become a jerk like this!

But after what she did to me, to my business, why should I feel like this? She did wrong too!

Is everything what I'm seeing the way it is?

The door opened with a loud bang revealing an angry Seojun making Jimin come out of his rubbish thoughts.

"Are you out of your mind, Seojun ah?" Jimin stood up from his chair.

Seojun aggresively came in front of his desk and slammed his hand on it, "YOU ARE!!"

"What the- what happened to you suddenly?" Jimin asked as he couldn't get the reason of his friend's sudden outburst.

"That's my question!! What happened to YOU?? The Jimin I know isn't like this!!"

"What are you talking about? What the hell did I do??" Jimin growled.

"Really you don't understand??" Seojun scoffed. "How's everything going on between you and your wife??"

Jimin gulped on the mention of his wife. He looked away from his eyes. "Everything's fine. Why?"

Why would he suddenly mention her!!

"Look at me when you're talking!!" He howled. "I know what you did. What do you think you were doing at that time??"

Jimin was shocked. He shot his head to his direction. "What did I do?? And what do you know??"

"Don't try to be oblivious, Jimin! I heard all of it. That night, what did you do with Y/N? Why would you do this??" He yelled. He was so angry at Jimin to let his friend broke down like this.

"How did you know abou-"

"That doesn't matter!! What matters is why did you do it." Seojun cut him.

Jimin turned around and numbly went back to his seat, "you don't know everything about what happened."

"Well, tell me then. And solve the problem." Seojun urged.

Jimin told him about his suspision about Y/N and Mr. Choi partnering in black business. He also told that he thinks that their marriage is just a trap. Hearing Jimin's horrible explanation about Y/N, Seojun lost his temper once again. "ARE YOU CRAZY OR WHAT!! HOW CAN YOU THINK OF HER LIKE THAT!!" He yelled. "JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR PATHETIC SUSPISION, YOU HAVE TO SHOUT AT HER AND RUIN EVERYTHING AND NEVER TRY TO FIND OUT ACTUALLY WHAT HAPPENED!!"

He paused a little. Then after getting himself together, he started again "Listen Jimin, now matter how strong she wants to show the world that she is, she is actually very fragile. You know that she is very sensitive, yet you-" Seojun sighed. Jimin couldn't look at him. He stared down.

"I don't know suddenly what happened that made you think like that. But I surely know that Y/N wasn't behind any of this shit. She genuienly tried to make you happy. But she ended up crying a mess. Gladly I noticed that or..." he murmured the last words.

"You seems quite closer to her this days. Meeting up with her in cafe and..." Jimin shot back.

"What are you trying to refer?" Seojun crunched his eyes.

"As if you don't know." Jimin said and Seojun understood that jealousy was controling him.

"What if I am. With whatever you did with her, I can become even more closer." Seojun leaned a little and whispered, "to take her away from you."

"DON'T YOU DARE!!!" Jimin gritted through his teeth as he grabbed his collar aggesively. Seojun chuckled at his reaction. "Why? Do you love her? Then why would you hurt her?"

Seojun unleased his collar and said, "I'm not gonna take her away. Calm down. I'm here to help." He took a seat and made Jimin sitted too.

"But I made it worse." Jimin said slowly looking down.


"I-I s-slapped he-" Jimin couldn't finished his sentence when Seojun jumped off his chair. "YOU WHAT!!!" Seojun shook his hear. "Saying rude words, accusing her falsely and ruining her plans weren't enough that you had to slap her?!!"

"I know I made a big mistake. I regret it too. I do care for her. But I don't know what's gotten into me at that time that I-"

"It's alright. Now when you understood, try to make everything right. She had been crying all day and night." Seojun told.

"She's been crying?" Jimin's heart wrenched.

"What do you expect? After how hursh you've been to her, will be be giggling all around?"

Seojun's every word make Jimin guilty even more. "Hyung, tell me what do I do now?"

Jimin's guilt was eating him up every now and then. He hurted the one who tried me make him happy. He hurted the one whom he cared so much for. He didn't even realized when he started to care so deeply for her. But still his jealousy and ego pushed him the hurt the special girl of his heart.

Oh God! I'll do everything dor her. Just make her forgive me this time only.


"Why didn't you tell me those before?? Although I guessed something was wrong." Eunji said.

"Eunji ah, what is happenung with my life? I never wanted it this way." Y/N said.

"Y/N, not everything in life is planned. Sometimes, things happen what we can never imagine. Stop crying please." Eunji pleaded.

"You are right. I won't cry." She wipes her tear abruptly. "I won't shed my tears for those who isn't worth it."

Eunji was very shocked to hear about Jimin's actions. She has always seen Jimin as a gentle and modest person. She couldn't believe that Jimin would behave like this with his wife. Now whether Y/N would forgive him or not is up to her. Eunji decided to support her with her dicission.

I've always told you to consider Jimin. But at this point, I can't say anything. Just remember, I'll support you with whatever dicission you make.

"I won't forgive you Park Jimin." Y/N suddenly spoke. "From now on we are complete strangers."

With a heavy heart, Y/N made her dicission.


(A/N: ......hi )

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