Chapter 9

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Jimin's pov:

I reached at xxx that was written on the small note by Y/N. I was standing in front of the entry while debating with myself whether to get in or not. Finally I decided to get in.

Maybe it's the time. Maybe she understood her childish behaviour and now wants to change things between us. At first when I bebaved well, she didn't care. But after I started to ignore her, maybe she understood her mistakes. But I agree I was too cold these days and I didn't like it too. Whatever, now let's just wish for better. I got inside the restaurant with hope.

I was Y/N sitting at a table beside the glass wall. She was looking outside through the glass losing in her own thoughts. Suddenly she noticed me, "Hi."

"Hi." I greeted back and sat in front of her.

"Thanks for coming." She said. It's the first she thanked me for something. Hearing 'thanks' from her mouth was a different feeling.

"You wanted to talk?" I started getting into the topic.

"Ah yes.... I..I just wanted to...." she looked down

"Wanted to....??" I asked being excited but didn't let it take over my voice. I just raised one eyebrow.

"Let's just be normal and stop ignoring each other." She snapped out without hesitation. But realised soon and made I should have said that at the conclution face.

I chuckled internally as she was looking adorable. But I kept a straight face.

"T-things between us.....I know, w-we both know wasn't right till now. We had a lot of problems. But it isn't helping, right? " guilt was visible in her voice.

I realised that she was now trying to express what I tried from the first day of our marriage. But I wanted to hear more. I wanted to listen what she had to tell.

She lowered her voice and continued, "Um.. I-I know I was a jerk from the first. I totally ignored you like you didn't exist. I shouted at you without no reason. And now I'm really guilty 'bout that. I realised I shouldn't have done those."

Wow....she even apologised. Am I dreaming. Should I reject her apology. No no, that would be too hursh. I want peace, she wants too. No more war. I thought. But I waited for her to conclude. But she was hunging her head low. "So........?" I said indicating her to continue.

"So...I was thinking if we could be and act normal. I don't want any mess anymore" She concluded with her first words. She looked like she just came back from war.

All I wanted then was to accept her apology and start from the begining. I started dreaming of a happy family with her words of co operation without knowing the future ahead.

I smiled and said, "How about we become friends?"

"That would be much better."

"So...friends?" I took out my hand for friendly handshake. She took it and gave me a heartwarming smile. "Friends."

It was the most beautiful smile ever. It was happy, it was natural, it was real. Most importantly it was for me.


Author's pov:

Jimin and Y/N came out of the restaurant. Both on them had a straight face on, but inside, they were happy. Happy, that they can lead a normal life without awkwardness. One had tried to make everything normal from the first and became embarassed because the other just ignored, what would you say this othet than awakwardness.

Jimin knew Y/N was kinda introvert. He sensed the tension between them. So to light up the environment he offered, "Wanna go somewhere, new friend?"

She chuckled at her new name. "I'd like to skip. Lots of office works are piled up as I couldn't concentrate last few days."

"Why?" He asked like a stupid.

"I....just couldn't." I was distracted because of you, pabo.

"Oh yeah, I also have a lot of works. The day of listing is coming soon. "

Both of their facial expression changed as they remembered they are competitors and are participating in the national enlistment of the top ten companies of Korea. Both Park and Lee Industries were good enough to be in the final list. But again, they wanted to top.

"Let me drop you to your office." Jimin said.


Their friendship was in its place, business was in its.


They returned in the evening being tired but still greeted each other. They went to bed as soon as possible after taking shower and taking dinner.

'I was too rude with him these days. I know he is my rival. But still he is my husband. And he was undeniably sweet although I was being a jerk. Though I talked to him about it, it isn't enough. Should I do something more???' Y/N thought to herself.

She was scrolling through her phone while thinking. Suddenly a cooking recipe caught her eyes. She thought that she could try cooking something. Though she wasn't one for cooking and her skill was so horrible that she could burn the whole kitchen, she thought at least she could try. She watched the video secretly not wanting Jimin to know that she was planning to cook. She wanted to surprise him. Finally she decided to cook Jaepchae tomorrow as tomorrow was weekend. She laid down on bed and drifted to sleep beside angel looking sleeping Jimin.


(A/N: Do you love cooking?)

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