Chapter 13

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Jimin: So you'll never leave me right?

He was staring right into my soul expecting something from me. I didn't know what to answer.

Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy.

Thank God, the food came just in time. The atmosphere were getting awkward.

Jimin: Thank you.

He smiled to the waiter. We dugged in. The food was as delicious as it looked.

Jimin: Isn't it tasty?

Y/N: Yes, I wanna come here often.

He chuckled. I was just wishing that he won't ask the same question again. I didn't have answer for that. Maybe I wasn't ready yet to answer any sensitive question.

We finished our meal quietly.

Jimin: Anything else you want?

Y/N: Ice cream!! I saw a big ice cream truck outside. I want ice cream from there.

Jimin: Let's go.

He paid the bill and we went out.

Jimin: What flavour do you want?

Y/N: Chocolate and vanilla.

Jimin: ok

Y/N: You paid for the steak, now, I'll pay for the ice cream.

Jimin: No way. I'm paying.

Y/N: Nope.

Jimin: yes

Y/N: no

Jimin: yes

Y/N: no

Jimin: yes

Y/N: no

Jimin: no

Y/N: yes

Jimin: Haha got ya. I'll pay.

Y/N: Fine. I'll buy some other day.

Jimin: okie dokie

Y/N: Don't act cute.

Jimin: Wae?? Is it because you can't handle my cuteness??

Y/N: Ugh... you talk too much. Just buy me ice cream.

I walked away. He shout from behind.

Jimin: Wait for me.


Author's pov:

Sitting on the cold bench with a sky full of sparkling stars in front, Y/N was waiting for her husband who was still in front of the ice cream van paying for their ice cream. The weather was chilly, it felt even more to her because of the slow river in front of her. The sky was clear; the moon wasn't seen, but it was full of uncountable glittering dots called stars decorating the whole sky. Y/N was admiring the night in front of him when she heard his voice behind.

Jimin: What are you looking at?

She answered not looking at the direction of the voice because she knew whom the voice belongs to. It was her husband.

Y/N: The stars.

He slowly sat beside her and looked at the same direction only to find the amazing view of night sky. The stars have some kind of magical power to attract the viewers, specially couples.

They both dragged themselves close to each other unknowingly being absorved in the beauty of the night. Suddenly a shooting star was seen in the sky.

Y/N: Look there us a shooting star!!! Let's make a wish.

Jimin looked at Y/N closing her eyes and getting her hands together and wishing like a little child who was like wishing in front of her birthday cake. It was so cute for Jimin to see a girl full of maturity and barely talks, looking like a kid. At that moment he felt if he could fulfil whatever you asked to the shooting star.

When Y/N was done, she turned her head to Jimin only to see him staring at Y/N, but he instantly looked away.

Y/N: You didn't wish? Do you know, it is said that if you wish something looking at a shooting star, your wish will come true.

Jimin: I've heard about it. But I don't believe in these superstitions. It males no sense, like how can a meteor fulfil you wish?

Y/N: I know it doesn't have any scientific base, but what's wrong in believing in something like that. Sometimes it's nice to believing in something that doesn't have science behind it. Everything doensn't have to be logical to be happy, right?

Jimin was ashtonished by her words. It wouldn't matter if some others would say but he didn't expect these thoughts from her.

Jimin: What did you wish?

Y/N: Wishes aren't said aloud. Or it wouldn't come true.

Jimin: Oh yes.

They were quite until a slow cold wind blowd passed them.

Jimin: Winter is on it's way.

Y/N: I want to play in the snow. Make snowmans. Throw snows at others.

Jimin: We will surely.

It's not like I have never went to movies or took ice cream at night, it just feels different with her. I feel contented and complete. - Jimin thought.

They were still sitting there for some time quietly. The silence wasn't awkward, it was calm and relaxing being close to each other. Suddenly Jimin felt something heavy fell in his shoulder. Looking aside, he found her wife to be asleep on his shoulder.

Jimin's pov:

She must be tired. We went to different places today. After working the whole week, she should have rested today at home.

The weather was getting colder and I could feel she was cold too. I removed my coat as quitely as possible trying not to wake her up and covered her fragile self with my warm coat. I placed my hand behind her for support. Taking out my phone, I texted my driver to drive the car to the place where we were.

Soon the driver arrived. I took her slowly in my arms and walked to the car. I placed her inside and I went in too.

We reached home after a few moment. She was still sleeping. She must be too much tired.

I again carried her to our room and after removing her shoes I placed her on the bed. I did my night routine and went to bed as well.

Suddenly she put her arms around me. Strange! She never does that even in her sleep! It was the first time!

My heart started jumping right in my chest. I also put my arms around her pulling her closer.

I am sure that I am falling for her and no one can stop it. But is it the right time yet?


(A/N: The ship has started to sail. Even the shooting star which is known to possess some kind of magic that grants good luck and positove energy, has wished them luck. But after all these, the question still remains, HOW LONG?)

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