Chapter No.3 Adventure.

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Chapter No.3 Adventure.

Janet wasn't used to having a man in her bed. She was surprised that he didn't snore or flop around. She had been on edge all night, just getting a few winks of sleep, but eventually she fell into a deep sleep.

She awoke and sat up in the bed so that she could see the small clock on her nightstand. "Oh shit!"

Robert looked over at her with one eye opened. "What's wrong?"

"I have a seminar today, and I'm not going to make it.


"Columbus. It starts at 9:00 AM.

Robert glanced at the clock, which displayed 8:30 AM. "Oops."

"No way I could get there in time," Janet said after a long sigh.

Robert got out of bed. "Get dressed."

She looked at him wide-eyed. "It's too late. It takes three hours to get there."

"Get dressed. I'll get you there."

She stared at him for a moment but then began dressing. Robert got dressed and waited for her to get spruced up in the bathroom and grab her purse and portfolio case.

Robert extended his hand, which she carefully accepted. "You might experience a slight disorientation," he said with a subtle smile.

She just stared at him as if he were crazy, but in the blink of an eye they were standing on the edge of the parking lot near the Columbus Holliday Inn where her seminar was being held. The morning sun had risen to just above the top of the inn, casting an orange glow across the parking lot.

She blinked several times at the Inn and then him. He simply smiled.

"When will you be done?" he calmly asked her.

She blinked some more before replying. "I . . . it's supposed to end at three thirty."

He smiled. "I'll be here."

She began her walk across the parking lot to the entrance. When she turned to look back, he was gone.

Valery, one of her banking friends, met her before the entrance. "How'd you get here?"

"My . . . my husband brought me."

"I thought he just got out of the care facility recently."

"He . . . he seems to have recovered much sooner than I had imagined."

"I'm happy for you," Valery said. "I can't imagine how you waited so long for him to recover."

Janet knew that people thought she was crazy for not divorcing her husband, but she wasn't one to give up on anything. Something must have kept her believing in him, and that something was about to change everything.

When Janet exited the seminar and stood outside the inn, she wasn't sure if she would see her husband again. But he suddenly appeared at the edge of the parking lot and walked over to her.

"How'd it go?" he asked.

"Boring as usual but it's required."

"I'm hungry. I haven't eaten yet today," he said.

"There's some decent restaurants near here." Janet said, looking around at the establishments in the adjoining commercial area.

He smiled. "I have something better in mind. Paris is especially beautiful this time of the year."

She squinted at him. "Paris?"

"Yeah, it's only a blink away." He extended his hand. When she accepted it, she was instantly standing on the boulevard Saint Germain a short walk away from the Les Deux Magots, a very famous café on the left bank of Paris. People were walking around the area, enjoying an evening stroll.

"This place is usually very busy, but we're here a bit later than the usual rush," he said.

"How can we be in France without passports?" she asked.

"All we need is euros," He said. "I can handle it."

They sat down at a small table under a canopy. A server soon showed up.

"Nous aurons du Pot au leu et du Pinot noir," Robert said.

The waiter nodded and departed.

"I didn't realize you knew French," Janet said.

"I didn't, but it seems to come to me."

"You are certainly full of surprises."

"Some would say I'm full of shit," he said with a grin.

"I don't understand how you're able to teleport us like this," she said. "It violates all sorts of laws of physics."

"As I said, I was given these powers to stop the Armageddon. I'm not all that familiar with the laws of physics."

"What happens when you accomplish this impossible task?"

"I'm not sure, but I believe that I will no longer be here. Essentially, I've already died. I'm just living on borrowed time."

"You must realize how crazy that sounds."

"Yeah, but I can't do anything about it. I gave my word to the guy I met while I was in a coma."

Janet just stared at him. Her mind was having trouble dealing with all of it.

The waiter brought the food and Robert gave him some euro bills, more than enough to pay for the meal and leave a good tip.

"Merci," the waiter said before he went away.

They ate in silence, and when they were finished, Robert stood up. "We may as well check out this great city."

She stood up and offered him a weak smile. "I'm game."

They walked out of the café and waited until no one was looking before Robert took her hand and teleported them to the Champs-Élysées, a wide boulevard in the heart of the city.

"There are several nice boutiques along here," he said. "I owe you for waiting for me all that time."

She looked around. "These places look expensive."

He smiled. "Money is not an issue, mademoiselle."

They entered a small boutique and waited for the clerk to notice them.

"La dame aimerait une belle robe et des chaussures," Robert said.

The clerk pointed to a rack full of dresses. "Ce sont les dernières modes."

Janet examined the dresses and found one that she liked, a modest day dress, something that she could wear to work. She also checked out the shoes and found a pair that she liked.

The clerk placed them in a fancy sack with handles and Robert paid the bill.

"Je vous remercie. Répète," she said.

"My associates are going to be asking me how I got these," she told him as they walked out of the boutique.

He chuckled. "I can imagine."

After walking for a while and taking in the sights, Robert took her hand and teleported them back to their bedroom.

"I had fun," Janet told him.

"You deserve it," he replied.

She smiled, but internally she was frightened out of her wits.

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