Chapter No.42. Armageddon.

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Chapter No.42. Armageddon.

The day came like any other, James was in his last day at high school, Janet was at her job at the credit union, And Robert was at home doing the laundry. All three of them realized that it was happening.

James was by his locker. He looked around and realized that he was alone before he teleported back home.

Janet looked at her head teller, Mary. "Hold the fort down. I have to do something."

Mary looked at her with confused eyes. Janet grabbed her pocket book and departed before returning home.

Robert was already in his superhero gear when his wife and son arrived. They wasted no time in getting prepared. Sparky was always ready.

"This is it," Robert said as he removed his sword from a belt scabbard.

They touched swords causing a giant flash before they teleported to the Caucasus. What they saw there was both exhilarating and frightening. A massive army of demons were gathered for the final battle.

"I'm going to take on the three leaders," Robert said. "You can work together to tear into the main forces. Sparky can handle any sneak attacks."

They nodded their approval. Sparky answered with a bark.

Janet and James flew at supersonic speeds into the main enemy forces, blasting demons by shooting out powerful energy beams from their eyes. The demons tried to corral them, but they were maneuvering too fast for that.

Sparky flew behind the enemy shooting out blasts of fire that incinerated them. Janet and James blew them to pieces while staying out of their reach. When demons managed to get close, they used their swords to decapitate them. The problem was that they had to stay concentrated all of the time. A microsecond of inattentiveness would be painful. Occasionally, it happened, and they got knocked around.

Robert was faced with a much more difficult situation. The three commander demons were larger than the others, which meant that he had to take on three powerful monsters at once. He used his eye beams to keep them at bay, but it was going to take something else to defeat them.

He decided to fly at them at high speed to knock them into the ground, but he found that to be harder than he thought. They were able to knock him around. He needed something else, some tactic that would defeat all three of them.

Then it came to him. All he had to do was kill the leader, and the rest would be destroyed. He concentrated on Luthor X, flying at him at high speed, but he got swatted away. He noticed that Luthor X liked to chase him, so he decided to speed off, flying directly at the mountain. He turned away at the last second, causing Luthor X to crash into the side of the mountain, blasting rock fragments out all over the place.

Robert saw that the leader was wounded, and he decided to end his rule by landing near him and then decapitating him. Luthor X growled but he ended up losing his head in one swift sword blow.

Suddenly, the demon army evaporated, and Janet, James and Sparky joined Robert on the mountain.

"That was exhilarating!" James commented.

"And then some," Robert said.

They laughed. Sparky barked.

The Vestal Virgins appeared. "We are pleased with what you have done," the head Vestal said. "You have passed the second phase. More tests are to come. Be vigilant!"

They vanished.

"What I have trouble understanding is; why us?" Janet said. "Why did they choose us for this crazy experiment?"

Robert shrugged. "Maybe we were chosen by God because we're not special and he knew that we would comply with His wishes."

"I don't know about you two, but this is beyond anything I ever expected to be doing," James said. "It's as if I've been transported into a comic book adventure, an adventure that I often dreamed about."

"I never did like comics," Janet said. "This is way beyond anything I wanted to be doing."

"Yeah, I agree, but evidently we're stuck with this gig whether we like it or not. The good news is that we're still standing."

James smiled. "That's a good way to put it, Dad."

"I think we had better get back to our normal lives," Robert said.

They teleported back home. Robert and James relaxed while Janet returned to the credit Union.

Mary looked up when she saw Janet enter the office. "You ok?"

"Yes, I . . . I just had to take care of a problem." Janet whipped a drooping swath of hair out of her face. "I'm okay now."

Mary smiled.

Robert and James cleaned up the house and settled down to watching a college basketball game.

"I could have been a star with the powers I have," James said.

"Yeah, but it wouldn't have been fair."

"I realize that, but it's fun to imagine it."

"I understand. I never imagined having superpowers. I thought the guy I met while in a coma was just kidding me. Evidently, he was serious."

"Do you think it was Jesus?"

"I don't know what to believe. It could have been, but I doubt it."

"I suppose it doesn't matter now," James said.

"Yeah, pretty much."

When Janet returned home, Robert had an idea for supper.

"I think we deserve a night out after what we went through," Robert said.

"I need a lot more than that," Janet replied. "I feel as if I spent the day on a rollercoaster."

"We could go to Hawaii," Robert suggested. "It's really nice there this time of the year."

"It's always nice there," Janet said as she slumped into an easy chair.

"Let's go," Robert said. "I know a nice Fish and Stake restaurant right near the beach in Maui."

Both Janet and James saw it in their minds, and they appeared in back of the place where no one would see them. They walked around to the front, climbed stairs, and entered.

The head waitress, an impressively beautiful blond, greeted them. "Would you like to sit near the window?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"Yes, that would be fine," Robert said.

She escorted them to a table near a large window that looked out on the beachfront. Surfers were riding the waves that blow in from the ocean. Other people were just strolling along the beach to absorb the amazing sunlight.

"God, this place is beautiful," Janet said. "I wonder what it would be like to live here."

"Expensive. Everything has to be shipped in from the States, but I agree about the beauty. Think about it this way, we can come here anytime we wish."

"That's not exactly true. I have my job."

"Yeah, but you can take vacations, can't you?"

"Yes, but you know what I mean."

"I do."

The waitress returned.

"Ah, we'll take the fish of the day and the veggies tray," Robert told her.

"What do you want to drink?"

Robert gestured to his wife. "We'll take the Pilsner." He gestured to James. "And, he'll have the sweet tea."

"Hopefully, we can eat our dinner in peace," Janet said.

"I think we will," Robert said. "We just fought a major battle with a demon army. We deserve a break."

"Yeah, but that was really exciting," James said.

"Indeed, it was," Robert said.

After dinner, they enjoyed a walk on the beach before returning home. What happened next was mind bending.

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