Chapter No,48. Trial by circumstances.

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Chapter No,48. Trial by circumstances.

The superheroes realized that they wouldn't have to worry about putting a new space station in orbit because it would take NASA many months to build it. However, there were plenty of new missions that would occur for them to work on.

The most difficult mission came from the President, and it was particularly disconcerting. He had invited the superheroes to the Oval Office to discuss it along with the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of Defense.

"You've added a new member," the President said.

"Yes, she has the same powers as we do."

"How is that possible?"

"We don't know. Only God knows. We're just doing what we were told to do, which is save mankind."

"Well," the President said. "We have a problem that could jeopardize our security. As you probably realize, there are several small wars occurring in unstable countries, some of which have nuclear capability. We don't quite know how to stop these wars because the use of military force would only complicate our tenuous relationship with China and Russia."

"Okay, let's take them one at a time," Robert said. "Maybe one that's going on right now."

"That would be Afghanistan. The government is fighting with a Taliban indigenous militia around Kandahar."

"That's not surprising. I'm not sure what we could do but maybe a little shock and awe would bring them to the negotiating table."

"The main thing we want to avoid is bringing Russia or Pakistan into it."

"We'll keep that in mind," Robert said before turning to the other superheroes. "Let's go."

They vanished, and the President turned to his advisors. "This should be interesting."

His advisors agreed.

The superheroes arrived over the Kandahar region and immediately saw that a battle was taking place. But there was a new addition to the band of superheroes.

"Why is that dog flying with us?" Sylvia asked.

"That's Sparky, the super dog," James replied. "He helps us in these kinds of situations."

Sylvia gave him a mock frown, but she didn't doubt his explanation.

"Okay, let's take out their weapons, but be careful with your aim," Robert said. "We don't want to cause any serious injuries. Adjust your power levels to just make the weapons fuse."

"Is the dog going to help us?" Sylvia asked.

"Yeah, he probably has a better aim that we do," Robert said.

Sylvia found that hard to believe, but she elected not to argue the point under the circumstance.

The superheroes swooped down over the battlefield and began firing energy beams from their eyes to render all of the combatants' weapons unusable. After they had completed that task, they landed between the two forces. When the shock of what had happened subsided, the leaders of the two forces came out to meet the superheroes.

Robert addressed them in their tongue. "Gentlemen, It's time for this wasteful war to stop. Enough killing has taken place." He turned to the Government forces' commander. "You need a new arm." He gestured to his son. "You can do that." He turned to the Taliban leader, noting the patch over his left eye. "You need a new eye."

James removed the prosthetic from the Government army leader and began the process of creating a new arm, which literally grew out of the stump. The sight of it caught everyone's attention. Robert lifted the patch off the Taliban commanders' eye and held a hand over the empty eye socket. The commander was taken aback by his sight returning. All of the men standing there were astounded.

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